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    Path: BinaryBedlam > Krill Labs > robotics > Fully Controlled > Alpha    



First Gen Servo Driven bot.

       Alpha 1 was the first generation of robots to use servos as the drive train. They were never used before because normal servos only have a 160 or less degree of movement. These servos were carefully moded for continuous rotation allowing for the attachment of wheels. Another great thing about using servos is that they can allow for the construction of much smaller robots. Also, since the servos interface directly with the reciever, many extra parts can be ommited making the bot even more compact. This bot is using a pizza box for wheels, and has a camera on the front.


Alpha-2 (First Mutation)
       Alpha 2 is more like an evolution of Alpha 1. It uses the same drive train, so it has the exact same functionality and wheel base. The servos driving this robot make it's controllability and size perfect for handling. The wheels each have a large wide rubberband attached with many smaller ones for really good traction, later versions of this bot use hot glue to hold on the large wide rubberband. The camera is attahced again, but this time the field is much larger. This bot has a third servo to provide the camera a perpandicular axis. It can look at the ground or sraight up.


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