BinaryBedlam Survey Mission

Responses to: According to women, what is the sexiest quality a man could have?

Females Said:
07/28/06 10:51 anonymous large hands!
07/28/06 10:57 anonymous confidence
07/28/06 13:55 KM Large, warm hands
07/28/06 18:38 anonymous romance
07/29/06 08:13 anonymous being able to hold a basketball in a single hand
07/29/06 17:02 Kelly thick genitalia
07/30/06 11:20 omy being earnest
07/31/06 00:47 Jue confident but doesnt boast it, s you can feel the force, but cant see it...
07/31/06 10:31 anonymous tall
08/05/06 23:33 Koh Ching Hong giving you the extra attention,care and concern
10/11/06 22:10 X Tall
10/11/06 22:10 X Tall
02/23/10 09:19 anonymous comitment

Males Said:
07/28/06 11:15 dan playing the piano
07/28/06 16:00 andrew ab muscles that curve down by the hips, ala brad pitt in fight club, every woman talks about that scene, seriously.
07/28/06 19:39 anonymous good kisser
07/29/06 14:19 Pouzou I am not a woman, but I will guess what I have heard. 1) Eyes 2) Shoulders 3) Ass (Of course)
07/29/06 22:06 Webb A big penis
07/30/06 22:00 anonymous confidence
08/04/06 00:07 Jon Darby. Sense of humor
12/13/06 19:51 Rob The triangle
07/23/07 20:48 MAN 11 toes
12/12/08 16:45 anonymous well trimmed beard
02/23/10 09:17 the black cat utter devotion
03/11/11 08:57 anonymous commitment

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