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Pic 1

Pic 2

Skipping Stones

  Around Town
Pic 3

Skipping Stones
Pic 4

Pic 5

Old Venice Pizza Company
Pic 6

Downtown Dolls
Pic 7

Downtown Memphis
Pic 8

Main Street Trolley

  On the River
Pic 9

First Presbyterian Church
Pic 10

Pic 11

Mississippi Bridge
Pic 12

All Alone

          Khine is almost done with her citizenship requirements and the second to last step was her U.S. knowledge test, but the nearest HomeLand Security office is in Memphis, roughly 4 hours away. Since her apointment was in the morning of a work day, I decided to take the day off so I could drive down with her. We drove down a day early, used one of my earned hotel stays, and turned it into an early anniversary holiday. We had fun, stayed in a Presidential Suite at the hotel, did some site seeing, skimmed stones on the Mississippi River, passed a gov't knowledge exam, and even got a trucker to toot his air horn!
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