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Nashville Zoo

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  Nashville Zoo
Pic 1

Nashville Zoo Main Gate
Pic 2

Pic 3

Pic 4

Bamboo Trail
Pic 5

Gold Fish Pond
Pic 6

Petting Zoo
Pic 7

Pic 8

Poison Arrow Frogs
Pic 9

Pic 10

Tropical Tree Frog
Pic 11

Pic 12

Pic 13

Pic 14

wild pig
Pic 15

Pic 16

African Elephant
Pic 17

Pic 18

Swinging Monkey
Pic 19

Orb-Weaving Spider
Pic 20

Pic 21

African Bongo
Pic 22

Pic 23

Alligator Cove

          Sort of random, but we were looking for something to do and my friend, Cameron suggested we visit the Zoo. I haven't been to one in a while, it was a really nice day, it's really near by, and Khine found a buy-one-get-one-free coupon for the tickets, not to mention it's always educational to visit a zoo, so I was like let's do this!
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