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Singapore Vacation 2010
  Urutkaki Fizzio    
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Index:   130     Title:   Urutkaki Fizzio
File:   214.JPG     Desc:   Here is where we got our massage. Khine and I each got a 1.5 hour full body massage. It was only about $US50 including tips for each of us! Mad good price. So I never had one before though, so it was sort of awkward for me cause no one spoke English, so when I was up there waiting for the masseuse, I didn't know if I was suppose to get naked or what. But there were these silk shorts, so I just put them on and laid there. Eventually he came up and just sort of pushed my limbs where they should be. Khine and I were in the same private room getting our massages at the same time.

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