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Khines New Job; Dream Home
April 21, 2008 10:26:50 PM
     Only 3 days after her interviews for a research lab position at Vanderbilt, Khine received word that she got the job! YAY she's moving to Nashville! She'll start work at the beginning of June a few weeks after graduation. I can't wait!
     So all this excitement and the many talks about finding a new place to live got me thinking more and more about the home I'd like to retire in some day.... my DreamHome. I mean I've had plenty of thoughts and ideas about it before, but now I finally put some thought into it and sketched a basic property layout on paper.


     And here it is, the Krill Homestead. It encompasses facilities for all my areas of interest, provides a humble living space, a shelter from both war uprisings and zombie apocalypses, and most importantly, it can function off grid! So in the event of a catastrophic economic and government failure we can be completely self sufficient.
     Sure I'm just dreaming right now, and sure it seems a little ambitious, but you know what!? Really I'm not so sure it is! I think this is totally with in my grasp. Just wait and see. Some day I'm totally going to build this place from scratch! That would be my ultimate project! GO GREEN! Vote NADER!

DATE: April 21, 2008 11:28:42 PM     NAME: km
COMMENT: YAYYYYYY!! And wow, Danny, that is one cool-looking house there. You're building a town with just one house. That is so cool.

DATE: April 29, 2008 08:11:38 PM     NAME: Andrew
COMMENT: I can't help but notice that your house layout resembles that of the Meyer's Rd farmhouse. Feeling nostalgic?
Here's a link you should check out. It's a documentary about building a self-sustainable home. Made by the guy who does Survivor Man.

DATE: April 30, 2008 08:30:08 PM     NAME: dk
COMMENT: haha, I can't believe you picked that up, but yeah, I was thinking of that old house when beginning this layout. And that link, spectacular! That is exactly what I'm shooting for, only thing though, I wouldn't begin such an undertaking with kids and a career, I don't plan on implementing this until early retirement.

DATE: May 01, 2008 08:59:33 PM     NAME: km
COMMENT: Love the link, Andrew!

DATE: November 12, 2008 06:54:58 PM     NAME: Kev
COMMENT: you building a power plant? or a home... :D

DATE: November 13, 2008 09:34:15 AM     NAME: dk
COMMENT: haha, well if I plan to live off grid and have a huge work shop, I'm going to need lots of power, and historically, all these renewable energy sources are only small power contributors and because of weather, unpredictable. So I'll need plenty of redundancy to ensure a constant flow.

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