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Christmas 2008
January 01, 2009 10:47:03 PM
     Wow! What a Christmas Break! There was so much to do, so many people to see, and so little time to do it. Khine and I flew back to York for 10 days over the x-mas break. I actually had more days off of work than that, but we stayed in York for the days we had off in common.
     Any way, As soon as we arrived on Saturday, we started off the trip with sort of a groupie reunion at the Kurzik's house, unfortunately I don't have any pics from that :-( but it was pretty fun, almost everyone showed up, all except Don and Shane. Khine finally got to meet all the others in my HS groupie.
     On Sunday mom had professional family portraits made. On Monday we hung out with Don to do some last minute xmas shopping. Tuesday morning Khine and I ate breakfast at the Yorktown Hotel's Off Center Grille for breakfast since mom gave us a $25 gift card, then we visited Grandpa, then we were off to the Lancaster Brewing Company.
     Christmas eve we did some more last min shopping, went to Grandma's for dinner, Mt Pisgah for the night service, then to bed at moms so we'd wake up xmas day at her house. Christmas day we did the gift thing at moms, Brandon and Megan dropped by, we ate, went to dads to do the gift thing there, then went to Nina's.
     Friday we went back to moms to hang out and help clean, then Khine and I had a double date to DC with Andrew and his g/f Janet. Almost as soon as we got there, Khine and I grabbed a cab in attempts to find this Malaysian / Singaporean restaurant she found a few months ago that was really good. Then we went to the State Radio Concert, drove home with a detour through Baltimore, then to the Round the Clock Dinner for omelets and cappuccino.
     On Saturday Rob (from my fraternity) drove down to visit. We drove around York, visited my old neighborhood, went bowling at Lion Bowl, there was another trip to the Lancaster Brewing Company, and finally a trip to the Glad Crab bar to watch Tiff's dad's band play.
     Sunday I went to the movies with Dad and Grandpa for a 3 generation outing to see, The Day the Earth Stood Still. That was pretty good, it actually stayed closer to the original film than I thought it would. Later I went to Andrew’s just to hang out. We ended up having a pretty sweet jam session. I mean, there is no one down here I can really just let loose and play with, so that was really fun, I’ll really miss that.
     Finally Monday morning, the last day, I visited Grandma, packed up, shipped all the new stuff at the UPS store, then dad took Khine and I back to the Harrisburg Airport. And just like that, the whole trip was over. Oh well, it was great times, It was really great seeing everyone again. Until Next Year!


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