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Clapton Daltrey Concert
February 28, 2010 03:21:37 PM
     Last night we went to the Eric Clapton and Roger Daltrey concert and it was pretty freaken sweet! For Valentine's Day Khine got us the tickets and I'm so glad she did. I've been living in Nashville, Music City, for about 3 years now and I've still never gone to any concerts. Well not any more, and boy was this a good first one. So Daltrey, the lead singer from the Who, sang first for about an hour. He sang about half and half of solo stuff and Who stuff. I remember he opened with, I can see for miles, and closed with Baba O'Reilly (Teenage Wasteland). Clapton was on a little longer and played mostly his newer jazzy blues material, which I wasn't as familiar with, but he also played, Cocaine, Layla, Shot the Sheriff, and a few other classics. He performed in three segments, electric, then acoustic, the electric again.
     Despite the distant seats and the no-camera rule, it was still a great concert, Daltrey still has so much energy on stage! I mean it sure was a treat to see them live! I was at least able to snap off a few low res pics with my phone.


DATE: March 14, 2010 04:40:05 PM     NAME: KM
COMMENT: Heh. Yeah =) Those pictures are amazingly good given what it was taken with. I wonder how the recordings are.

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