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Second / Third Campus Conviction
April 12, 2005 08:49:48 PM
        Allright well, I got in trouble again, and because the last offence may have counted as 2, this might be the third. The last one might have been counted as 2 becuase I didnt do anything about it after the first notification. It wasn't untill after the second inspection that I finally realized I had an infraction because I don't check my mail enough.
        So anyways, this time my JR was for something even more stupid. I swear, the people issuing these things must be working for commision because JRs are handed out like candy! So it was finally spring break. Everyone had to be out of the building by 12 noon on saturday. Most people leave friday, as do I, but this time I wasn't going home, I was going to Myrtle Beach with ZBT and they weren't leaving till sunday.
        So as the story goes, it was saturday morning, I had everything packed up and ready to go. I even had a friend, Joaquin, help me carry my stuff out to my car. After everything was out and the place was ready to be locked up for the break, Joaquin realized that he still needed a copy of WinXP Tablet Edition. It was 11:50, he needed it bad or he wouldnt be able to use his new computer, and I was confident that I could burn it for him in time. So we ran back up there, fired up the computer, and got started. When it was done it was about 12:05.
        We got outside of my room, and just after I closed my door, inserted my key to lock it, and turned to run down the steps, we were stopped by someone inspecting the halls. At this point it was no more than 12:05, we begged for him to let us go, I mean, it was barely past out-time, and it was obvious that we were on our way out, but he was being a complete loser about it. He was all like, ''Nope sorry, I'm gonna have to write you up''. Now in this senario I would have just ran, I mean, I was already through the stair well arch way when he stopped us, but he saw which room I came out of, so he would emediately know who I was and then I'd be in even more trouble.
        So there we were, 5 mins past noon, standing infront of my room in an awkward silence because he didn't even have the forms with him. He had to radio to someone else in the building to bring them up for him because he couldn't leave us alone or have us wonder through the building after lock down. Finally at 12:10 when no-one showed up he just asked which of us was the owner of the room. Joaquin responded to that, ''since I was the reason he's here, can I just take the JR for him?'' The guy was like, NO, the owner of 771 should have known better. So thats when I just gave him my information. After I gave it to him, I said, ''You know, it was barely after time, I had all my stuff loaded hours ago, I had fully intended to obey the rules, there was no premeditated intension to willfully disobey any university policy, but some one was in need, my being here for a few minutes didn't hurt any one, and it's spring break.'' He just shook his head, then I said ''So I'm being punnished for helping some one in need? god bless you.'' When he was done copying the information from my passport it was about 12:12, he handed it back to me and we went on our way.
        So that incodent completely ruined the first couple days of my vaction. Im sorry, but what a dik! I know a rule was broken, but seriously, was all that neccissary? So the reason I made such a big deal out of that was becasue if that does infact count as the third JR, than that could mean that I'm not allowed to live on campus next year. Oh well, good thing I'll be living at the house.

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