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Scare in the Shower
April 27, 2007 12:48:46 PM
     This morning I had another close encounter of the 30-legged kind. When I got into the shower today, right in front of me, on sean's loofa, while i was naked and defenseless, there was a fully grown centipede crawling around. It startled the dickens out of me! On the porous loofa, it could hardly walk, so I easily knocked it down. When it was on the wet and slippery bathtub surface, it couldn't do much either. So I grabbed my soap box, and quickly terminated it's existence. Disgusted, I resumed my shower.

     At least I had another entry to add to my Confirmed Kills list. And afterwards it sparked another curiosity spell in me; I ended up finding this really informative site about the little creatures:
House Centipede Info

DATE: April 27, 2007 03:27:36 PM     NAME: km
COMMENT: Hehe..you were naked, eh? lol..oh Danny..so what do you do with the poor little guy's body after you terminated its existence? =)

DATE: April 30, 2007 02:08:18 PM     NAME: Kev
COMMENT: so those are the centipedes u are encountering? looks different from the ones i thought.. the more common looking ones

DATE: April 30, 2007 11:18:57 PM     NAME: andrew
COMMENT: wow man, it says that some are large enough to eat mice, birds and toads. find any of them around?

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