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Bye Khine!
July 08, 2007 01:54:06 AM
     She's only been gone for an hour and I already miss her like crazy! Khine came down to visit me this week and it was good times. We even taught ourselves how to cook so many new things. Man, after doing so much together, taking her to the bus station felt like the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Gosh, and on that note, I'd just like to comment on the quote, 'Mos Eisley spaceport, you'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy' HA! Try greyhound bus stations! There are more scary, smelly and homeless people there than any were. I hate it so bad when she has to use that awful bus service. I feel like something bad is going to happen every time. I miss you :-(

DATE: July 08, 2007 05:29:38 PM     NAME: KM
COMMENT: Aw, honey! It's okay..I wasn't scared at all taking those buses cuz one look at my don't-even-look-at-me face and no one dared come near me. And those long busrides are all worth it cuz I get to see you!! I had such fun, Danny. Thank you for taking such great care of me. Muah! Love you!! And I'm missing you like crazy too. I told you what I was thinking about, right? Heh..made me plan so far ahead in the future..

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