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Slight Water Problem
August 16, 2007 10:44:26 PM
     I finally figured out what that funky smell in my house was! Turns out there was a huge puddle in my utilities closet that never went away. My air conditioner drips like crazy, So much so that it's just as effective as a dehumidifier.
     I hate it when I have to turn in problems to the main office because they always send the maintenance guys when ever they feel like it and it's always while I'm at work, so who knows what else they're sticking their noses in. So I fixed the problem my self!
     With a little patients, some plastic leftovers from a torn apart printer, and some twisties I was able to pull a McGuyver! I developed this network of cheutes to guide the dripping water to this bucket. Ingenious no? Now I just have to remember to empty the bucket at least every 3 days, or else the whole contraption is just a mute point.

Check it out! ==> Pure and Absolute Genius :-)

DATE: August 16, 2007 10:47:37 PM     NAME: KM
COMMENT: I agree, it's PURE ingenius!! =D Love it!

DATE: August 18, 2007 01:35:45 PM     NAME: andrew
COMMENT: lame sauce

DATE: August 27, 2007 10:06:59 PM     NAME: Don G.
COMMENT: Yeah dude, Maintenance tech will take forever to get out there then when they do they are going to tell you they need to order parts and they will have to come back out later in the week, but they wont return. Nice job though, glad to see that college education is being put to good use.

DATE: December 03, 2008 01:51:15 PM     NAME: dk
COMMENT: no problems at my new place!

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