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Under Attack!?
April 18, 2008 10:50:22 PM
     It was last Friday around noon, I had just landed in Nashville from a week long trip in NYC. As I was leaving the airport I noticed signs and announcements to be careful driving in rural areas as there was lots of flooding from the heavy rains while I was gone. My drive back to Smyrna was pretty normal, until I got to with in 2 miles of my house. The road I live on was closed just 2 miles from my house and had traffic redirected to an alternate route. I was so close to home, but now I was stuck in endless traffic jams going completely out of the way to get home. I had seen the golf course flooded a little bit before I left, so I figured that the road closure was due to a flooded out section or something.
     So I was just sitting there in my car, stop go stop go, stuck in traffic minding my own business. Suddenly, ROOOOAAARRR! To my left in the direction of the blocked off road section, 4 long winged objects shoot straight up out from the ground, do a vertical 270deg loop, and storm straight for the east coast! I was like, OMG! Flooding my arse! They are launching hidden rockets! I knew the Smyrna Airport was in that blocked off section of road, and It also just occurred to me that there is a military base there. I am witnessing an ICBM WMD launch, OMG OMG, I have to call someone! I have to get home to see the news, WE ARE AT WAR! I was seriously freaking out, I mean I had never seen anything like this before, I mean these things were huge, faster than anything I've ever seen, and literally louder than thunder!
     After trying to snap off a few pics, I called Khine to tell her what I had just seen. It was about a min later, the objects were heading back in this direction. They broke apart and starting circling around. At first I questioned my own sanity, but then I started to re-question what I was really seeing here. Missiles would not be flying around like this, and as they got closer to me, I was able to get a better look at them. At this point things finally started to make more sense. I quickly discovered that these were actually fighter jets, they even got so close that I was able to identify them as F-18s. A few more moments later I remembered seeing an airplane ride infront of a near by restaurant for advertising an air show! OOOOOOOHHHHHH, I said to myself in a sigh of great relief. We're not under attack! There's an air show at the airport this weekend! PHEW!
     Before figuring all that out, I truly honestly thought some serious sheeit was going down. For a moment I actually experienced a fear that I never felt before, I mean I hadn't even felt that frightened since I was a little kid!
     Any ways, it turned out to be an awesome show, I was even able to see almost all the air performances from my front door step. At times it almost felt like the 1940s when those prop planes were flying over. Below are some of the pics I managed to get.


DATE: April 21, 2008 10:04:00 PM     NAME: km
COMMENT: I absolutely looove the first picture. It is so professional.

DATE: May 04, 2008 10:12:15 PM     NAME: Andrew
COMMENT: "For a moment I actually experienced a fear that I never felt before, I mean I hadn't even felt that frightened since I was a little kid! " Really.... Didnt you just graduate from Virginia Tech? And you happened to pick April 16th to write this blog entry.....? I mean, seriously...

DATE: May 05, 2008 06:37:48 AM     NAME: DK
COMMENT: Yeah, but that was a whole different kinda fear, I didnt have any idea what was going on until the cops ran by and told us to lock our selves in. I don't think I personally was too scared mostly because it was in a different building and since I didnt see anything. With this I saw something crazy right away and my mind was drawing conclusions instantly. For me, the events at VT on that date conjure disappointment, disparage, and disrespect for the gun-man.

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