Outsourcing February 26, 2010 03:47:33 PM
What is it with big companies outsourcing so often these days? Now I understand why they do it, because it saves them money to pay some other company rather than paying out high salaries and benefits themselves, but I think a lot of places are going a little overboard. And in certain cases it's just plain inappropriate.
Just the other day I found out that a company I've been working with for a year and a half just up and decided to outsource their entire engineering Dept. Now I wasn't going to use specifics, but Bristol Myers Squibb, the huge honkin pharmaceutical company, just build a plant in MA and I've been working with their engineering crew to get the place operational. Over the course of that time we've developed good working relationships and understanding with those people, and now suddenly they're about to get shit canned for a bunch of HS dropouts who probably won't even know how to execute a closed circuit transition.
Now I might be speaking from a slightly biased position because I liked those guys and I feel really bad for them moving up there only to be fired a year and a half later, but realistically, isn't this a case where you would want knowledgeable qualified people? I mean it seems to me you would want good stable workers who know their equipment in the department responsible for keeping the facility afloat. Putting a bunch of under paid uneducated out-sourced people who don't care about the very system they're assigned to is simply setting themselves up for their own failure, and for what, a few extra thousand a year? It’s like they don’t even care about their own quality or efficiency. That's pretty crappy if you ask me.
COMMENT: Yeah, it is really sad when things like these happen =