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My first Competitive Run: Isaiah 5k
March 20, 2010 11:11:10 PM
     I've always enjoyed running, in fact, it's the only exercise I get. But even after 4 years of really getting serious about it, I've never done more than just run for myself. Well today that all changed. One of Khine's friends from work invited us to participate in a 5k competition held by her church, the Isaiah Challenge. For the longest time only Khine was going to go, but right around 1.5 weeks left they were loosing their training steam so I thought I'd join in to help keep them motivated by running with them since I run on a regular basis any ways.
     So today was the actual run. It started around 12:30 and the weather held out the whole time. I think I did pretty well, out of around 100 people I finished in 15th with a time of 32:30. 5 kilometers is about 3.2 miles and it's a lot harder than it sounds. I thought I was going to throw up at least twice during, but I pushed it and I didn't walk once, ran the whole thing, and so did Khine!
     Despite all the prayers and preachy stuff, it was a pretty good day. We got free pizza and gatoraid afterwards, and I really liked running for competition rather than just jogging on a treadmill day in and day out. I would probably do it again.


DATE: March 21, 2010 09:27:00 PM     NAME: KM
COMMENT: Yeah! Need to go get those foot paddings soon! And then, IRONMAN!!

DATE: March 22, 2010 08:44:57 AM     NAME: dankrill
COMMENT: Very soon! It's ashamed that the only thing keeping me from running even more are these damn foot blisters.

DATE: May 26, 2010 11:21:01 AM     NAME: Andy
COMMENT: sweet. nice job guys

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