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My Computer is Back!
July 27, 2010 09:41:36 PM
     I've actually been with out my primary computer for about 2 weeks now. I came home from hiking with Khine one afternoon only to find my computer was off, and not just off, the power supply had managed to let out it's own magic smoke, you know, the smoke in electronics that make them work, if you let out the smoke, they don't work? Yeah well, luckily the PS was still under warranty, I mailed it back to the manufacturer as soon as I could, and I finally got my new one in the mail! I hooked it up straight away.
     Strangely enough, I think I have just discovered that my computer is actually the source of my powers. I suddenly feel so motivated to do things again. For the past 2 weeks, especially after Khine moved out for med school, I've been so apathetic about things. Weird a?

DATE: July 27, 2010 10:57:14 PM     NAME: KM
COMMENT: YAYYYY!!! You`ve come alive again!

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