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Serious Chili
February 05, 2011 11:09 PM
        I don't even mess around any more. When I make chili, I really make chili! It's just so good that when I want some I always make a huge bowl, and after just a few of those bowls, it's all gone! And the fruits of my labor has disappeared just like that. It's even worse when I hand out some tupperware containers, then it seems like I can only make it last 3 or 4 days. Well no more, I now make 3 times the recommended quantity. I get my fill for a day or 3 then freeze the rest. Now I can have some when ever I want!


DATE: February 09, 2011 01:48:06 PM     NAME: KM
COMMENT: I`m drooling already =/

DATE: May 17, 2011 01:36:37 PM     NAME: Tam
COMMENT: That is what Jason does... he says is he has to go through the trouble of making it, he may as well make a bunch...i love the ability of going out to the freezer and having a bag to pour over hotdogs!! YUM

DATE: May 18, 2011 09:06:34 PM     NAME: dankrill
COMMENT: Yup, I mean it takes so much effort and around 2 hours from start to finish, so it`s the only way to go. Never actually tried it on hot dogs, will have to give that a try.

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