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Snowed in then Interviewed
February 10, 2011 11:58 AM
        We only got about 2 inches of snow yesterday but apparently that's enough to reek havoc around here. It started just before rush hour, and since it was below freezing the entire day, it stuck.
        Over night it only got worse. I tried to go into work 2 hours late this morning, I figured that should be enough time for things to ease up, well , not really. I live in the woods, so very little sun hits the roadways, and well all the roads leading out of my apartment complex are giant sheets of ice!
        I walked along the roads to see how bad it was, and there were cars all over the place. Apparently it was so bad at the main entrance that a news crew was there filming. I just happened to be at the right place at the right time so I even got interviewed. I'll be on the NBC 4 news at 5 tonight!



DATE: February 10, 2011 03:27:57 PM     NAME: KM
COMMENT: Wish I could watch it..

DATE: February 10, 2011 08:12:41 PM     NAME: dankrill
COMMENT: Now you can!!


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