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Learning the Didgeridoo
February 21, 2011 10:00 AM
        Don't really remember what got me started, but I think I was just watching random youtube videos and I came across this Japanese busker, Shibaten, who plays a didge, drums, and some other percussion things all at once. He was so good that it inspired me to try, and lol, I just happened to have some pipe lying around, needless to say, I was hooked instantly.
        Because the harmonic resonance of the bathtub almost perfectly matches the frequency of the didgeridoo's drone note, playing the didge in the bathroom sounds exquisite. Here I am after about 1.5 months of practice. Still using a 2in x 4ft PVC pipe with a custom molded mouth piece made from 100% chemical free bees wax. It's alright, maybe if I continue to improve I'll get a real one, or maybe make one!


DATE: February 21, 2011 06:13:20 PM     NAME: andy
COMMENT: wow dude, i am thoroughly impressed. you picked up on that extremely fast, especially with the circular breathing! wow.

DATE: February 26, 2011 06:08:45 PM     NAME: KM
COMMENT: It really was amazing how fast you learned it, hon =) I especially like the high-pitched `tika-tika`.

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