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May 15, 2006 03:30:27 AM
     Allright, WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!? I got my grades back today and I was completely caught off guard on this one! I dont understand it one bit. As it turns out, the class I was expecting to have to retake, ElectroMagnetic Fields II, well I ended up getting a C+! I not only passed it, I almost got a B! So I was very pleased with that. Ok, now on the other end of the spectrum. The class I thought I was doing the best in, Power Systems, the one class I thought I would have a garanteed good grade in, just so happened to be the class i did the worst in! How did this happen? I was above average on almost all the tests, I had decent grades on all the homeworks, i turned in the projects on time, ARGHHH it just makes no sense! The moment I saw this, i wrote him an email telling him there had to be a mistake. Im still waiting on his response, but Im beggining to think that this may be a lost cause, and that maybe I really did deserve this grade. I say this because, even though my grades were all above average, they were still all in the 50% range. This would mean that the Bastard didnt curve! He cant do that! Thats so evil, that would mean that he'd have to fail over half the class. Im sorry but thats just beyond messed up. Now the reason I say Im starting to think this was no mistake and that he really is sadistic is becasue I contacted 5 other people that were in my class, and only 1 of them got a passing grade. So that makes a 16.78% passing rate so far (counting myself). RETARDED! If I dont get at least a C- in this class, then I wont be able to use it as a prerequesit on my electives next sememster, which basically means that ill have to redo my schedule again! Professors are so freaken unpredictable, I absolutely hate it, at this rate I'll be at Tech till 2008 and 200K in debt :-(

DATE: May 15, 2006 01:19:54 PM     NAME: KM
COMMENT: Gosh, I'm so sorry. That must have been such a shock. It really could be a mistake, couldn't it? No school would allow that high a failure rate..no prof should either. On the other hand, congrats on Fields! =) You did it!

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