2nd Job June 14, 2006 07:45:17 AM
Well, I never thought I'd ever do this again. From past years it proved to be quite exhausting, but I took a second job. This time should be different though. No manual labor, and no dealing with people at either loaction, so thats deffinately a bonus.
The Voith job is going smoothly, I've got a bunch of little odd jobs to do here and there, but nothing extrordinarily difficult. To make things even better, I've got my own office! There was no room for more interns when I started, so my engineer, Hamzik, just gave me his old office. Its pretty sweet.
The job I just took is really cool too, something I actually like, no more of that bull-shit kmart crap. I'm working with Andrew's brother-in-law, John Darby, at his comic book business. It's ran out of his basement, and since Iv known john for a while, its almost like not even a job. To start, I was doing packaging. Like there would be this invoice sheet, address shipping lables, a table of stuff, and i would have to box all the appropriate things and prep it for mailing. Whats so neat about it is, I get to see all this old and new sci-fi stuff, page threw the comics, and even gather ideas for future drawings from all the artwork, all while talking to john, who is basically a new-age hippy, uber cool (hes a diehard lennon fan too).
COMMENT: =D So happy for you!!