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The smaller ones are smarter!?
June 22, 2006 09:18:35 AM
     I noticed somthing on my drive to work this morning. While I was headed down east prospect rd, i saw a little chipmonk run out from the embankment and head toward the road. as i passed him, he was on the opposing side, at which time there was a full sized 18 wheel tractor trailer behind me and i thought to myself, 'Aw man, that poor little guy is gonna die.' Well, as i passed the little guy, i looked into my rear view mirror to confirm my hypothesis. Low and behold, i was wrong! He actually stopped, waited on the yellow lines for the traffic to pass, then resumed his trek accross the asphult jungle! I coudnt believe it! he was smart enough to wait for the traffic.
     So it was emidiately after this little miracle that it had occured to me, 'you know, iv never seen a dead chipmonk, or even a squirrel for that matter, as road kill before' Of all the years iv been driving iv never seen them on the road side dead. It has been aproximately 50% of the time ground hogs, 25% deer, and 25% opposums. That is just so odd that the tiny-brained chipmonks are smarter than the larger-brained groundhogs, and smarted than the even-larger-brained deer. Go figure :-/

DATE: June 22, 2006 08:28:17 PM     NAME: KM
COMMENT: Oh-HO! No, nonononono...of all the roadkills I've come across, squirrels and chipmunks make up about 70% of it. Groundhogs, about 25% and deer, just 5%. I've walked by squished squirrels around grounds many times before. Maybe the smartness of those animals are regional. Hmm..but then again, I don't drive. Still the numbers shouldn't be that different, you think?

DATE: June 23, 2006 12:08:00 AM     NAME: Andrew
COMMENT: I second that

DATE: June 24, 2006 12:55:02 AM     NAME: Kev
COMMENT: third =D

DATE: July 01, 2006 06:08:59 PM     NAME: KM
COMMENT: Who are you guys second and third-ing?

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