What the hell is wrong with America�s youth? I mean honestly, have you looked at the middle and high schools lately? They�re the biggest group of politically na�ve dangerous moral-lacking immature social misfits since Hitler was allowed to play god.
First off, they have no sense of responsibility, they just plain don�t want to work. They won�t admit it, but they would rather be dependant on their parents for the rest of their lives than to actually go out and earn a living. What ever happened to earning your self-worth and pride from accomplishment? Well apparently that�s old school, and mooching money from anyone available, showing off lam0r wannabe cars, and beating up other kids even dumber than yourself to ultimately prove nothing is totally where it�s at.
Although these kids have no clue what the true meaning of responsibility is, they at least think they do. They�re always like, �don�t worry about us we know how to handle ourselves�, or �everything is under control�, or even �there is nothing to worry about, so why are you worrying?�. They will say this stuff constantly. The funny part is, these kids have been in car accidents, fights, kicked out of school, restricted from peoples properties, have very poor jobs, don�t have jobs, have no money, ticketed, fined and arrested yet they still honestly expect us to believe these statements! So instead of listening to the advice of their knowledgeable parents, teachers, and older brothers, they continue to go out and do the same stupid things over and over again, not learning once from their own mistakes. They don�t even stop to think for one second how their actions are affecting the ones who truly care about them. But that�s just as well for these kids. So long as their not inflicting any obvious physical blows, psychological just doesn�t matter. How about thinking about someone else for a change!
The thing that really pisses me off the most though, is how they think their little �situations� are really these huge problems. Like it�s the end of the world, and nothing is more important than their issues. And it amazes me how seriously they take it. Just how narrow minded do you have to be to think this way. Its�. its its just mind boggling! I mean they literally beat each senselessly with maliciously violent intent, sometimes even behind your very own house on your very own driveway at as early as 11:30 in the morning with a rock. And oddly enough, you never hear anything more intelligible than, �Andys over at Nikki�s crib right now, we better get over there right away and bust him up otherwise he aint never gonna learn.� or �Those loosers at the circuit last night were talkin smack on my ride, I gonna head over there with some boys and we�ll see who da big man is then.� Seriously! You kids are on the brink of adult hood, grow the fuck up! There are bigger issues at steak than the name your car was given by a group of guys who can�t even make it through high-school, or who some skanky ass incoherent whore slept with last night when you�re not even dating her anyways! On a global scale; Innocent groups of individuals are being killed off in narrow-minded idealistic genocides, our tropical rainforests are suffering from deforestation, and terrorism has never been more prevalent. Locally; children are kidnapped, women are rapped, and families are forced to live on the streets and eat trash because the gov�t just doesn�t care. These are issues worth getting up tight about.
OMG I almost forgot another important fact, These kids have a serious lack of appreciation. Getting them to show any signs of gratitude is like pulling teeth! Because most of these kids have successfully taken their parents to the ends of their ropes from stress and aggravation, the parents have run out of ways to try to deter these kids� inappropriate behaviour. So trying to remain victimless, they just cave and help these kids out every time they need it in an attempt to do the last thing they can do as a �good parent�, try to keep them out of prison. The parent could pay the kids fines, fix up their car, give them money for gas and cloths, but none of this really matters to these kids. If you�re lucky you�ll get a quick insincere �thanks�, and that�s the end of it. No matter how much someone could do for these kids, they will just continue to be disrespectful, inconsiderate, and ungrateful. Not to mention, they�ll just keep going back for more.
So what is causing these kids to be such deviants? What is so great about throwing away your life, hurting your loved ones, and breaking the law? Why exactly do these kids think their so right when in actuality they couldn�t be more wrong?
Let us briefly reiterate their most prevalent traits:
they lack true responsibility
they think they know everything; that their always right; that every one else in the world is wrong
they don�t want to work for their earnings
they all think they have something to prove
they only care about themselves; everything they do is ultimately for themselves
they�re ungrateful
Well it most certainly can�t solely be upbringing. Take for example my brother and I. We were raised identically, given the same amount of parental love and acceptance, yet I don�t have a police record. I�m not considered a social outcast by my own community in fact, I�d like to think I turned out alright.
It has even been stated by countless sociologists, that of all the factors in a teenagers life, it�s actually the parents who have the least control. These kids are old enough to think, their actions are their own responsibility. Parents have very little to no power over them. So parents who constantly ride other parents for bad parenting when their already doing the best they can need to lay off. In most cases they�re just as good a parent as any.
I�m pretty sure it�s the other kids that make these kids. Their only influencing each other. It�s a god damn case of monkey see monkey do. Because the most important thing in one of these kids lives is to feel accepted by their peers, they do exactly what everyone else is doing, act like a god damn idiot. From a sociological stand point, we call this solidarity. A potentially normal young kid is initially reeled in by a deviant display of stupidity by probably someone only slightly older than they. The kid is intrigued by this non-traditional behaviour and notes the respect that the deviant receives from his peers. Not soon after, the kid begins to think that being one of the �smart kids� is out of his grasp, and that doing what ever feels good is the only way to go. To gain acceptance from the deviants, the kid begins to act how he thinks they would want him to. He is soon accepted by them, he�s learning new ways to get into trouble, and before you know it, he has officially fallen into the �wrong crowd�. The sad part is, there is no hope for recovery, well not at least until he mentally matures, and that could take a while, so don�t hold your breath. This is the same reason why prisons don�t work. If you take a criminal, and you surround him with nothing but other criminals, what do you think hes going to learn, how to bake cakes, crochet a sweater, or valuable verbal skills? Yeah ok.
The only answer is beyond individual contribution. Society as a whole has to change. Kids have to be set straight from the start and learn to support each other. But considering that these kids learn the most from each other, and that the number of these deviants is increasing, we may never find an answer, and hell if I know how to fix it.