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Family Time
March 05, 2006 11:06:33 PM
     All day today was spent visiting relatives. I went to moms first, and it actually went pretty good. Although mom was just starting to get over a cold, there were no arguments about the future, almost no chores, and no discusions about my brothers problems. I had a good lunch, fixed her computer, and played play-doh with my little sister.
     Later I went over to my aunt Nina's. Every one was there except my cousin Athena, but I did finally get to see Diana. Shes 8 months pregnant, expecting April 15th, just 2 days after my brothers b-day. It's crazy, shes only 2 weeks older than me, and shes already married and is having a kid! My brother, 19y/o, and hes on the verge of considering getting ingaged with his girlfriend. Wow, just wow, Its things like this that make me think that I'm getting too old too fast or that Im behind the times. Oh well though, what can ya do.
    But anyways, I had a lot of fun at nina's, my cousin Darrin hooked up his electric guitar amp, and I gave like a little mini concert while everyone was working on this puzzle. When I was playing around with the ''heart and soul'' chord progression, nina joined in for a duet on the piano. It was soo cool, lol, who'd of ever thought, me and Nina briefly jamming together (shes an awesome pianist), now that was interesting.

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Tax day made happy
March 04, 2006 10:53:05 PM
     I slept in pretty long today, which was allright because I didnt have much on the agenda. Mid day I worked with dad on some more tax forms, I think I should be about done, I hope! You know, I really don't understand why taxes have to be so complicated, I mean, theres like a million forms covered front and back with beurocratic bullshit questioning every aspect of your life. And there is soooo much room for error. I firmly believe that the government purposly makes tax forms so complicated so that when people make a mistake, they can penalize the crap out of you with fines and collect even more money for their greedy undermining endeavours.
     Anyways after all that, I went to my favorite place in the whole world, LBC (Lancaster Brewing Company)! OMG the beer there is so good, seriously, there is nothing like their StrawberryWheat and their chicken wings, thats right, to die for. I was brought home felling quite ....happy :-)

DATE: March 04, 2006 11:07:24 PM     NAME: K
COMMENT: Your mention of the strawberry wheat beer just made me smile..lol

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Drive Back to York
March 03, 2006 08:33:05 PM
     So today felt like a completely waisted day. After waking up at 12, packing, feuling up, getting underway at 2, and spending 6+ hours on the road, I saw the first day of spring break flash right before my eyes. Hopefully they dont all go that fast.
     The drive back was, for the most part, rather uneventfull as usual, which i guess is probabbly a good thing. There were a few exceptions though. First, I passed the oddest yet one of the coolest cars Ive ever seen on rt81. It was this old tiny little geo metro, covered completely in hippie bumper stickers. On the trunk, spelled with mailbox letters, was the phrase, Puff The Magic Dragon. On the sides of the car, crude hand painted dragons, complete with doobies in their mouths. And to top it all off, the guy driving the car, looked exactly like one of the guys from Cheech and Chong, was even wearing a bandana around is forehead. Awesome!
     Ok, the other event, I was run off the road, but not to the point that I couldnt recover. I was driving beside a tractor trailer, me in the left-hand passing lane, the truck in the right. Well he decided to change lanes into the passing lane while I was still there! I layed on the horn, and since i was at about the trucks middle, I could do nothing but get pushed off into the median. He finally noticed me when I was about half on and half off the road. Now that was wicked!
     So all else aside, Im home. Hopefully things will remain uneventful here so I can take it easy

DATE: March 04, 2006 02:16:02 AM     NAME: K
COMMENT: Gosh! He probably got too bored driving so decided to scatter some cars around! Hey! That's a thought! How easy it'd be to have fun, pushing some cars around when you're the big one on the road. I saw this movie where the ENTIRE movie's about how this truck traumatized this tiny little car and it's driver. It was very memorable. Been almost 10 yrs I think. Still remember it.

DATE: March 04, 2006 02:17:10 AM     NAME: K
COMMENT: Oh! And I think I've seen that car around too. I'm not so sure if this happened. Remember the first time you were at UVa, we were walking along the Corner when we saw this car with 2 big dragons on the side?

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Messed Up Day
March 02, 2006 09:15:38 PM
     So I woke up ontime this morning (7am), but there was no way I could bring myself to actually getting up. By accident, I hit the alarm-off button instead of snooze, so I ended up sleeping till about 12:15, which is 15 min before my DD class, which usually has a quiz. So I put some cloths on, run out the door, and litterally fly to campus. I was still 10 min late, but thankfully there was no quiz. And the other 2 classes I missed this morn, I was told nothing important happened anyways, so all is good.

So now that my 6pm lab is over, Spring Break has officially begun! (my 2 classes tomorrow were cancled)

DATE: March 02, 2006 10:34:36 PM     NAME: K
COMMENT: What the..? No class tomorrow? Man! I have 2 classes tomorrow, till 3 o'clock! Haha..thank god there were no quizzes =)

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First Blog Entry
March 02, 2006 08:49:48 PM
     So here it is, my very first blog entry placed on my brand new blog viewer (written entirely by myself in php :) So now that this thing is operational, I better start adding entries huh? Well, we will see, if you ask me, writting the code to this thing was the most fun part!

DATE: March 02, 2006 10:38:08 PM     NAME: K

DATE: March 03, 2006 02:59:43 AM     NAME: Webmaster
COMMENT: Thanks, Khine, for the site suggestions, the re-designed blog section turned out to be a programmers work of art!

DATE: March 03, 2006 10:25:55 AM     NAME: K
COMMENT: =D You're welcome! Like I said, it's really exciting that you finally got down to doing this and are ACTUALLY going to be blogging.

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Yes, For God Sakes, I'm Growing My Hair Out!
Dec 09, 2005 09:15:38 PM
        For the love of god, YES, I am growing my hair out, get over it! Honestly, I don't think it looks that bad. I'v never done this before, and you have to try everything at least once, and what better place to do it than college.

DATE: March 03, 2006 10:27:40 AM     NAME: K
COMMENT: Aww..you should have tried it earlier cuz it looks really good!

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StarBucks Sux0rs
Dec 01, 2005 09:15:38 PM

      I had not previously had an opinion on this matter, however, now I do. Not only is StarBucks overrated, it can sux my ass. With out even going into the whole ''starbucks is nothing more than another corporate conglomerated profit hungry mom and pop shop destroying entity'' issue, I can still find fault.
      To keep it short and to the point, their coffee isn't so great! What�s all the hype about!? I mean seriously, their sub-mediocre products hardly warrant their exorbitantly high prices. In fact, for the prices you pay at StarBucks, you could get twice the amount of a better coffee at your near by local privately owned and operated coffee shop.
      So the above wasn�t quite enough to prompt this blog entry; the straw that broke this camels back was actually their internet connection, or lack there of. I suppose in a neo-modern attempt to attract more clientele they started advertising wireless access for laptop users. I wanted coffee, a place to sit and do hw, and it had to have wi-fi, so I regret to admit that their ingenious diabolical scheme succeeded because it managed to drawl me into their greedy grubby clutches. All right, anyways, I�m there, I'm drinking their lousy overpriced product doing my hw and I go to connect to the internet on my laptop. So they deff have an access point, but much to my dismay, I'm fronted with a damn ''blue socket'' login screen! Caught a little off guard, I proceed to the front desk and ask what the meaning of this log in is; he tells me that I need a subscription which costs $24.99 a month. FCK that! If I wanted to be held by the shoulders and screwed in the anus I would have bought a one way ticket on big gay al's big gay boat ride. As if they don't have enough money already, is it really necessary to charge for this commonly publicly offered free service? Not to mention it�s practically false advertising, that banner outside should have read, ''Sub-Mediocre Coffee and Unnecessarily Overpriced Wi-fi Connectivity!''
      While I�m still angry, let�s touch on the corporate nationalized chain issue after all. People's arguments in favor of StarBucks generally state that they are thriving because they really do make good coffee and that their great sales have taken them from the ground up like a true success story. Yeah that�s crap! Teh only reason this chain is so big is because overwhelming localization was their initial takeoff plan. Most places expand as their company gains popularity and wealth. StarBucks, on the other hand, had the brilliant idea that if they front all the expenses and build a shit ton more branches that they don�t even have the money for, people will go to their shops instead of others simply because it is more ''convenient'', thus gaining new customers, putting competition out of business, monopolizing the industry, paying off initial investments, profiting, and finally, fixing prices simply because THEY CAN. So their not ''awesome'' because of their ''great coffee'', they're there because they successfully forced themselves onto unwitting consumers and played off of today�s most popular theme, ''easy is better''.
      So the only thing Starbucks should be congratulated for was their devious marketing plan to exploit the lethargy of the general American populous.
      I don't know why I didn�t just do this in the first place, but across the street, yeah that�s right, a humble little place with cheaper yet better coffee, and free wi-fi. Hey StarBucks! pwned!

P.S. StarBucks tends to have a lack of chairs.

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The End of a Legend
Nov 13, 2005 09:58:58 PM
     Thus marketh the end of a generation. My best college long friend, the legendary power house, Daystrom, has finally passed away. Although the causes of death are still not known, the autopsy reveled that it was the motherboard that failed. Now given that Daystrom was only about 3.5 years old, this death came rather unexpectedly. Motherboards should not fail that young, so the only explanation I could rationally devise was that it was just used really hard, I mean, Daystrom was rarely turned off during the course of that near 4 year period, and I multi-tasked like crazy.


        Daystrom was no ordinary computer. It stood over all of its peers with decadence in its massive 11 bay server tower. It boasted external switching for left/right audio, 2 separate black lights, 6 fans, and a strobe light. It even had a huge side view window which was custom dremmeled by yours truly on a warm beautiful fall day early during my freshman year. All of its innards were custom assembled and wired for optimal efficiency. It truly was a sight to see.


        Let it be known that no machine will ever be able to replace Daystrom no matter how much more powerful it may be. Daystrom will continue to live, in our hearts.
        Though Daystrom is gone, the work that it did most certainly isn�t. So while nothing can replace it in spirit, something had to pick up where it left off. So the construction of a new PC had to begin.
        This is Scotty, named to honor the man who inspired me to pursue my career in engineering. It contains mostly new parts and salvaged very little from Daystrom's working parts. This decision was made because some of Daystrom's old parts may have contributed to its untimely death thus all new parts were purchased for Scotty to reduce the chances of a copycat death. The only things carried over were the video cards, and the hard drives (so the memories of Daystrom were transplanted as well, much like how the memories of our beloved Data were copied to B-4 before his courageous death, to be continued...)


        So Scotty has been running for about a week now. Currently it has 256mB of DDR Ram, a 2.4 GHz 478 socket Intel Pentium IV processor, a 533 MHz FSB Asus board, and a 600 Watt power supply to better handle the 6 hard drives. But like I said, even though Scotty is 700 MHz faster then Daystrom, it will never replace him. Rest in piece my friend.

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Lazy Programming and Mixed up Priorities
Oct 07, 2005 10:08:26 PM
     Doesnt it seem like if your going to take the time to program an entire site, you would probablly take the time to include some simple key features? I guess the majority of my rant spawns from pretty good torrent sites utilizing not so good searches. I mean seriously, it's not that hard to implement a search string that can take MORE THAN ONE WORD! If done right, it's only one more line of code! There is nothing more frustrating in the world than serching for ''Family Guy'' and getting back every single torrent description containing either the word ''family'' or the word ''guy'' somewhere in it, and then having to search, by hand, through the sometimes endless number of results pages. So whats the point of even putting a search on the site if its going to suck so bad!? And I'm not even talking about one site in peticular, oh no, there are several! You know who you are!

        Allright, so while I'm on this topic of torrent sites, I also have a problem with membership kicking policies. Most sites utilize some type of ratio monitering script that decides weather to keep a users account or not. Like, once someone's share ratio falls below 1.0, they are flagged and watched, and after not too long, kicked with out mercy. In other words, you have to give as much as you take or get the hell out. So heres the thing, its a great thought, I mean it really does enforce the whole ''the internet is about sharing'' philosophy, but its flawed, big time.
        The problem is this, if the user is only into rare things most people don't want, and then downloads them, hes pretty much up shit creek. By downloading the item, he just increased his download count; he leaves the torrent open for seeding, but no one uploads it off him because no one cares about that content; his upload count will remain the same; and BAM!! his share ratio falls like a stone. So hes sharing but no ones taking, yet he gets punished anyways by loosing his account. Im sorry, but thats messed up.
        I agree there has to be some type of user monitering, but this is not it. If anything, this type of share enforcment is only contributing to the loss of individualtiy and free thinking by limiting the availability of a wide spread of content. It's completely against what the internet stands for and promotes the consumption of closed-minded corporate drivel with a complete and utter disregard to diversity. What this form of enforcement is really saying is, ''Download what everyone else wants, or get out''.
        So I guess the only way around this is to appear to have conceeded to ''bigbrother''. Using a music site as an example: In order to get the good classic original stuff with out fear of deportation, you first have to get some of the pop-culture soulless engineered trash that all the idiots line up for, and seed that for as long as its popular, should be a whole 10 days. This will at least keep your share ratio at a decent level.
        It's completely ass backwards, and shouldnt have to be done, but let's face it, this world is run by morons. So the best way to get your own way, is to make them think their getting their way.

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Just Plain Shallow
Aug 01, 2005 08:49:48 PM
     I finally got an opportunity to go out to dinner with a girl that I hadn't seen for almost 2 years. We had some fun times back in the day but eventually drifted apart. So I thought it would be nice to talk about what each of us are up to these days.
      After about a week of indecisive planning, a time and location had finally been set. But just when everything was established she asks me the night before, if she can bring along her best friend. Well I figured since I already knew her too, why not? Ok, so now it would be the 3 of us, more for us to talk about. Wrong! More for THEM to talk about!
      I don't know if this is how they've always been, or this is what they've become, but either way, I've come to realize just how shallow and superficial girls can be. Never in my life have I had to fight so hard to get a word in. The purpose of that evening was to get reacquainted with each other, not to discuss where the best place to buy designer jeans with the little dyed streaks across the upper thigh is.
      Now granted I went in there to find out what's new in their lives, but this was ridiculous. It was only 1 of the 2 girls that lead the majority of the in-depth and stimulating conversations that so eloquently persisted that evening, and none of it had anything to do with anything. All they did was talk about themselves, the whole night was completely one sided. It's like I wasn't even there! On and on and on to each other about stuff that obviously would not be of any interest to me. I went in there wanting to know stuff like, ''how's the new job going, what kind of things are you doing in there, is there more schooling in your future, how's the family?'' Maybe even entertain some questions about how I've been, or how my baby sister is fairing. No. Instead, I left learning that the one girls i-pod is broken, that going to the mall would be a complete waste of time with out returning something old for something new, that a recent trip to Mexico made the food we were eating taste fake, it just� just.. never ended!
      If you were there that night, you would have heard the word, ''I'' used more in 30 sec than you would hear at an ophthalmologist's in an entire day. I can honestly swear to god that I was not asked a single question THE ENTIRE NIGHT. Not so much as a, ''how's school going?'', or a, '' so where you working now?'', or even a lousy, ''What's new?'' And now of course the ironic twist, I was the one who organized the whole thing!

      Wow, just, wow. How can anyone be that self-absorbed, inconsiderate, and selfish. Well the whole night was not a complete disappointment I guess, the movie was good, and the dinner was phenomenal. I even learned at least one piece of useful information, what I now find to be the most unattractive quality in a female, egocentricity.

      definition: egocentricity; noun; Withdrawal from the external world and concentration on the inner self. Self-centeredness, inability to entertain feelings and thoughts of others.

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Shanes View of our Beach Planning
June 08, 2005 08:49:48 PM
an IM conversation...

Dan: have you been reading the sumer trip corespondances?
Shane: Yeah. I'm still on your list even though I can never go.
Shane: the bickering is the same every year. :( You need to spice it up
Shane: OC sucks
Shane: OC rules
Shane: cost
Shane: Chris: girls pack light
Shane: emmy: fuck you chris. everyone drive solo
Shane: Chris: ::common sense::
Shane: emmy: blasphemy
Shane: jason: im lazy
Shane: dan: valid cost point
Shane: jason: OC sucks
Shane: :D

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America's Youth
June 07, 2005 08:49:48 PM
        What the hell is wrong with America�s youth? I mean honestly, have you looked at the middle and high schools lately? They�re the biggest group of politically na�ve dangerous moral-lacking immature social misfits since Hitler was allowed to play god.
        First off, they have no sense of responsibility, they just plain don�t want to work. They won�t admit it, but they would rather be dependant on their parents for the rest of their lives than to actually go out and earn a living. What ever happened to earning your self-worth and pride from accomplishment? Well apparently that�s old school, and mooching money from anyone available, showing off lam0r wannabe cars, and beating up other kids even dumber than yourself to ultimately prove nothing is totally where it�s at.
        Although these kids have no clue what the true meaning of responsibility is, they at least think they do. They�re always like, �don�t worry about us we know how to handle ourselves�, or �everything is under control�, or even �there is nothing to worry about, so why are you worrying?�. They will say this stuff constantly. The funny part is, these kids have been in car accidents, fights, kicked out of school, restricted from peoples properties, have very poor jobs, don�t have jobs, have no money, ticketed, fined and arrested yet they still honestly expect us to believe these statements! So instead of listening to the advice of their knowledgeable parents, teachers, and older brothers, they continue to go out and do the same stupid things over and over again, not learning once from their own mistakes. They don�t even stop to think for one second how their actions are affecting the ones who truly care about them. But that�s just as well for these kids. So long as their not inflicting any obvious physical blows, psychological just doesn�t matter. How about thinking about someone else for a change!

        The thing that really pisses me off the most though, is how they think their little �situations� are really these huge problems. Like it�s the end of the world, and nothing is more important than their issues. And it amazes me how seriously they take it. Just how narrow minded do you have to be to think this way. Its�. its its just mind boggling! I mean they literally beat each senselessly with maliciously violent intent, sometimes even behind your very own house on your very own driveway at as early as 11:30 in the morning with a rock. And oddly enough, you never hear anything more intelligible than, �Andys over at Nikki�s crib right now, we better get over there right away and bust him up otherwise he aint never gonna learn.� or �Those loosers at the circuit last night were talkin smack on my ride, I gonna head over there with some boys and we�ll see who da big man is then.� Seriously! You kids are on the brink of adult hood, grow the fuck up! There are bigger issues at steak than the name your car was given by a group of guys who can�t even make it through high-school, or who some skanky ass incoherent whore slept with last night when you�re not even dating her anyways! On a global scale; Innocent groups of individuals are being killed off in narrow-minded idealistic genocides, our tropical rainforests are suffering from deforestation, and terrorism has never been more prevalent. Locally; children are kidnapped, women are rapped, and families are forced to live on the streets and eat trash because the gov�t just doesn�t care. These are issues worth getting up tight about.

        OMG I almost forgot another important fact, These kids have a serious lack of appreciation. Getting them to show any signs of gratitude is like pulling teeth! Because most of these kids have successfully taken their parents to the ends of their ropes from stress and aggravation, the parents have run out of ways to try to deter these kids� inappropriate behaviour. So trying to remain victimless, they just cave and help these kids out every time they need it in an attempt to do the last thing they can do as a �good parent�, try to keep them out of prison. The parent could pay the kids fines, fix up their car, give them money for gas and cloths, but none of this really matters to these kids. If you�re lucky you�ll get a quick insincere �thanks�, and that�s the end of it. No matter how much someone could do for these kids, they will just continue to be disrespectful, inconsiderate, and ungrateful. Not to mention, they�ll just keep going back for more.

        So what is causing these kids to be such deviants? What is so great about throwing away your life, hurting your loved ones, and breaking the law? Why exactly do these kids think their so right when in actuality they couldn�t be more wrong?

        Let us briefly reiterate their most prevalent traits:

               they lack true responsibility

               they think they know everything; that their always right; that every one else in the world is wrong

               they don�t want to work for their earnings

               they all think they have something to prove

               they only care about themselves; everything they do is ultimately for themselves

               they�re ungrateful

        Well it most certainly can�t solely be upbringing. Take for example my brother and I. We were raised identically, given the same amount of parental love and acceptance, yet I don�t have a police record. I�m not considered a social outcast by my own community in fact, I�d like to think I turned out alright.
        It has even been stated by countless sociologists, that of all the factors in a teenagers life, it�s actually the parents who have the least control. These kids are old enough to think, their actions are their own responsibility. Parents have very little to no power over them. So parents who constantly ride other parents for bad parenting when their already doing the best they can need to lay off. In most cases they�re just as good a parent as any.

        I�m pretty sure it�s the other kids that make these kids. Their only influencing each other. It�s a god damn case of monkey see monkey do. Because the most important thing in one of these kids lives is to feel accepted by their peers, they do exactly what everyone else is doing, act like a god damn idiot. From a sociological stand point, we call this solidarity. A potentially normal young kid is initially reeled in by a deviant display of stupidity by probably someone only slightly older than they. The kid is intrigued by this non-traditional behaviour and notes the respect that the deviant receives from his peers. Not soon after, the kid begins to think that being one of the �smart kids� is out of his grasp, and that doing what ever feels good is the only way to go. To gain acceptance from the deviants, the kid begins to act how he thinks they would want him to. He is soon accepted by them, he�s learning new ways to get into trouble, and before you know it, he has officially fallen into the �wrong crowd�. The sad part is, there is no hope for recovery, well not at least until he mentally matures, and that could take a while, so don�t hold your breath. This is the same reason why prisons don�t work. If you take a criminal, and you surround him with nothing but other criminals, what do you think hes going to learn, how to bake cakes, crochet a sweater, or valuable verbal skills? Yeah ok.
        The only answer is beyond individual contribution. Society as a whole has to change. Kids have to be set straight from the start and learn to support each other. But considering that these kids learn the most from each other, and that the number of these deviants is increasing, we may never find an answer, and hell if I know how to fix it.

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Free Caffeine
June 02, 2005 08:49:48 PM
     Apparently this month is safety month at work. Their making everyone go to these litttle educational classes and safty meetings and we have to wear this little green ribbon to remind us to be safe. Well all the saftey stuff aside, they�re rewarding our �safe� behavior with free stuff. For example today we all got cookies and milk, friday it�s muffins, ect. Well I just discovered from the other intern that as part of this program the coffee/capacino machine is free this month! Like you just go up to it and punch in the number for what ever you want. Apparently their not announcing this though. I guess they don�t want any one taking advantage of it too much. It�s too bad for them then that I found out. You see, I don�t exactly get much sleep at night, damn insomnia, and since I don�t always have something to occupy me in my cubical, I can get really drowsy. It�s so messed up, its like my damn body only lets me sleep when I�m not supposed to; i.e. work, lectures, reading time. Any ways, remember that tax refund episode of Futurama? The one where everyone was refunded $300 and Fry decided to spend his on 100 cups of coffee? Thats right, im gonna do that. I mean seriously, there can�t be that many negative implications. Maybe just the basic case of stomach erosion, or inability to concentrate, or heart attack. Nothing toooo major......or....errrm....well allright, so maybe 100 might be pushing it a bit, but at least 10! I�m already up to 3 and still not feeling the effects, better keep going...

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Another day at work
May 26, 2005 08:49:48 PM
        Well I certainly do a lot of writing now that I'm on this job. I finally got my own permanent desk location but it lacks cubical walls. It's pretty wide open. So my screen is visible to all the people walking threw the office, so the only real thing I can do is type, that at least maintains the illusion that I might actually be doing something. Occasionally I may be able to VNC my home computer to see what's going on, but mostly I just have WORD up.
        So my boss, john hamzik, hasn't reviewed the outline I submitted yesterday yet, and since he hasn't given me any projects to start after that, I'm sitting pretty until I get an email from him. God I swear, trying to look busy is actually harder than really doing the work.

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...an Intern at Voith
May 25, 2005 08:49:48 PM
        I started a new job this summer, no BlockHouse or kmart this time. I�m working at Voith Siemens Hydro Power Generation, the same plant as my dad. They engineer, design, build, and install hydro turbines for electrical generation in dams.
        Like every summer, I have to work to make money for the rest of the year, and usually I bust my balls doing it. But this summer is different. Finally I was hired as an engineering intern, not just some low-level under paid factory floor grunt worker.
        Though my title may be intern and not full fledged electrical engineer, I�m already seeing the differences. I�ve even been able to draw a conclusion based on my personal experiences thus far, blue color work sucks!
        As a white color employee, working in the same offices as the engineers, I am treated literally a million times better than how any of my last jobs treated me. Like I�ve been given all these privileges. Though I�m on a clock in/out system, I can just write my own times on the card. I don�t have to be at the plant at any given time, I can just show up any time between 6 and 8. Also, my lunch can be as long as I want it, when ever I want it, and I never have to report my departures to anyone. So long as I get my 8 hours of work time in a day, they don�t worry about me. This treatment isn�t for everyone, however. My dad tells me that if the floor workers are so much as a minute late, they get reamed out and are threatened with dismissal. And their lunches are only 20 min!
        Even the work is better, no manual labor and no getting your hands all busted up every day. It�s mostly a desk job so I�m in my cubical in front of a computer most of the time doing my own thing working at my own pace. And so far, I�ve not been assigned more than writing up an outline, making some flow charts, and doing rounds periodically to assess the progress of the welders on the plant floor. The rest of the time is my time. But most importantly, I�m actually allowed to sit!
        Hell, I�m getting paid the most I�ve ever been paid before, yet I�m working the least hardest I�ve ever worked before. Now granted I�m finally allowed to think on the job site and am even allowed to form opinions, I still almost feel bad for writing this entry while on the clock. But one fact still remains; they�re still �The Man�.
        From all of this I was able to establish a very important inverse proportion. The less a worker is paid, the more hard physical work he must do.

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