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CHECK IN: Okinawa, Japan
January 31, 2013 9:07 PM
        Finally made it, only 4 flights and 36 travel hours. Beautiful, and 75 deg day and night.

DATE: February 01, 2013 12:47:27 PM     NAME: KM
COMMENT: Seriously, hon. Did you have to post this? It`s 20deg out not counting the high wind chill factor here.

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CHECK IN: Narita Airport - Tokyo, Japan
January 31, 2013 1:03 AM

                       Just landed in Japan again for work and haha I was interviewed for a news segment called 'coming to Japan', now the whole country will get a kick out of my terrible Japanese speaking and interpretation :-)

DATE: January 31, 2013 03:48:23 AM     NAME: KM
COMMENT: Very nice, Hon!! All that constant learning you`re doing paid off. They`ll be so proud that you even tried =)

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CHECK IN: John F. Kennedy International Airport - NY
January 30, 2013 10:00 AM

                       Looks like I found another airport to add to my top 10 worst list...Seriously if you have a tight connection here, you will miss it, it took me about an hour to get from my arrival gate to my connecting gate. You have to wonder halls, leave the airport terminal, take a bus or train to another terminal, walk down streets outside in the rain, go back through security, avoid construction then pray you've found your gate in the right terminal because none of the flight displays show terminal number. And it's not just because of the construction, the layout is just plane...well, stupid! Also, I hope you don't have to use the rest rooms, everything here is disgusting, like it's never cleaned, or flushed for that matter.

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CHECK IN: Olive Garden - Johnson City, TN   
January 20, 2013 5:18 PM

CHECK IN: Padre Island - Corpus Christi, TX
January 11, 2013 6:44 AM
A beautiful sun rise over the gulf from my hotel.

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Self Cleaning Oven
December 16, 2012 1:58 PM
        We found out the hard way; if you plan to use the self cleaning feature of your oven because you effectively destroyed the insides over Thanksgiving, then be sure it's on a cool breezy day where you can spend a few hours OUT SIDE. Ours billowed dark smoke for hours, another life experience to add to our tool belt :-)

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Kamikaze Bird
November 16, 2012 11:11 AM

                       I don't know if this bird is mentally challenged or what, but every day around lunch time he tries time and time again to fly through one of my basement windows. He backs up for a running start and flies at the window full speed head first. It gets a little annoying but the cats love it!      

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First Home Camp Fire   
November 3, 2012 9:26 AM

Hurricane Sandy
October 30, 2012 2:45 PM

                       A giant tropical storm went through the north east, right through York. It caused tons of damage to the beaches and coast, but luckily it lost a lot of strength by the time it made it to central PA. I was down here in TN, but this one had us all scared. I almost bought a generator again, but luckly not I or any of my family lost power. Despite all the rain, my brother didn't even get a drop of water in the basement this time. Pretty much the only thing it did for us down here was bring in the winter, its finally around freezing outside.      

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My First Stitches   
October 27, 2012 2:20 PM

Beer Batch 11: Weizenbier
October 23, 2012 7:46 PM

                       It's been almost 2 years since my last batch, I can't believe so much time has already passed! So this will be my first brew in the East TN house. I thought I'd give wheat beers another try so I'm doing a weizenbier kit. I actually started the brew 3 days ago, and today I'm racking it to the secondary fermenter. The one major thing I did differently this time was instead of adding ice water to the brew pot at cool down time, I added room temp water and chilled exclusively with an Ice bath and immersion chiller. I was still able to go from 212 to 75 in ~10min. Hopefully it will make a positive difference in taste.

        Racking to the carboy went pretty smoothly, although the specific gravity was a little low for my liking, the formulas estimate this will only be around 4.2% alcoholic when done, I shouldn't have topped off to exactly 5 gallons when done the boil, from now on 4.5 should be my maximum. Also, this beer is pretty dark for a weizen, so it's probably closer to a Dunkelweis. Bottling in 2 weeks, Cheers!

DATE: November 02, 2012 11:57:51 AM     NAME: KM
COMMENT: Lol, I see it`s back in the guest room. I was wondering where you kept it.

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Destroyed Catnip Plant
October 15, 2012 3:37 PM
        I thought it was odd that all the plants on my back porch were fine except the Catnip; all the stems were broken and bent over. I had a hunch it was the neighbor cats, caught one red handed!

DATE: November 02, 2012 09:59:36 AM     NAME: dan krill
COMMENT: Caught another perpetrator red handed getting freaky with my catnip plants!


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Lancaster Breweing Company Cat
October 01, 2012 11:50 AM

                       LBC, so good, even cats can't resist.      

DATE: October 01, 2012 12:16:22 PM     NAME: km
COMMENT: Lol, so true!

DATE: October 01, 2012 02:52:56 PM     NAME: DMG
COMMENT: I wanna drink with that cat. He has got good taste.

DATE: October 01, 2012 04:42:10 PM     NAME: Andy
COMMENT: Pour some Milk Stoudt into its saucer

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Front Yard Praying Mantis
August 23, 2012 7:34 PM

                       Was out cutting grass in the front yard when I saw this crawling up the house, the biggest Praying Mantis I've ever seen. It was so calm despite how close I got and how many pictures I ended up taking of it! Seriously, the bugs here really are bigger! Pretty cool!      

DATE: August 26, 2012 12:30:27 PM     NAME: KM
COMMENT: Oooo ooo, talk about the `pupil`, hon!

DATE: October 01, 2012 04:47:43 PM     NAME: Andy

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DIY Hanging Bird Feeder
August 22, 2012 4:59 PM

                       Yay! My bird feeder is a big success, there are always birds on it, and this time since it's hanging high up from a tree and dangling from long strings, no raccoons can get it, hopefully. Neighbor cat, Cali Trinket, has her eye on it though...      

DATE: August 26, 2012 12:29:42 PM     NAME: KM
COMMENT: That`s a beautiful picture of Cali..

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