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Trip to Boston and Williamstown, MA
February 02, 2008 12:24:35 PM
     This company sponsored trip was to Massachusetts. My work site this time was in a suburb near Boston, and luckily the work wasn't that bad this time, long, but do-able. Also, I didn't have to go alone, one of the Victoria Canada guys was paired with me, so a lot less stress on that front as well. The work was for one of State Street Bank's data centers, it's a stock trading company, so the security was mad crazy, I'm talking Mission impossible / James Bond crazy, with facial scans, thumb scans, walking through bullet proof cylindrically revolving laser protected doors, etc, so unfortunately I can't talk too much about that place, nor do I have any pics from there.

     I left Nashville over the weekend so I could go up to Williamstown, Williams College, to meet Khine's Sister, Khin. Williamstown is about as far away as you can get from Boston, it's up in the upper left hand side of the state, almost a 3 hour drive. So this was the first time I've ever met any of Khine's relatives, so this was quite an experience. It was almost surreal, I mean, I haven't seen Khine in months, and here I am face to face with her sister, who has a good bit of liknesses. If there was anything hard about this portion of the trip, it would be that every time I look at Khin, it would constanlty remind me of Khine.
     Anyways, Khin and her b/f Drew were pretty cool, they were very welcoming, hospitable, and fun to talk with. We had many a good discussions including a bunch of little blurbs between me and Drew regarding all the similarites between Khin and Khine, those were pretty fun :-). The college it self was very nice. For a small college, it was actually very well rounded, they seem to go all out for the students with a wide variety of things to do.

     During the week, after my on-site work, Benoit (the guy accompanying me) and I went to Boston almost every night. We must have walked miles and miles. We went to all sorts of little places, pubs, bars, and restaurants, as well as some big places, The Boston Public Library, The Science Museum, etc. Oh yeah! We even found a replica of the Bar, Cheers, you know, from the 80s tv show? That was pretty cool, unfortunately no one knew my name, but the food was good and there was good live music.
     Man, Boston just has so much to see, and the really nice thing about this city was that there were no bad parts! Almost every other city I've been to had only small parts that were ok to walk around in at night, but Boston is different. It was very clean, there were hardly any homeless, and the subways are easy to figure out. And I almost forgot, the Sam Adams Beer is even better here! When I first had it from the tap, it was amazing! It was so bubbly and hoppy. I can't wait to get back to Boston!

                  ==> CLICK HERE to see all the pics! <==

DATE: February 03, 2008 11:56:16 AM     NAME: km
COMMENT: It means a lot to me that you went to see her, Danny =) Drove up 3 hours in snow and rain. I wish I could have been there. And thanks for all the pics you took. Lol..P was surprised that you took a pic of her bathroom. But I told her I asked you to take pics of everything. Oh yeah, she gave me a tour of her room from her webcam just a few min ago. I saw your Stewie drawings =) And *ahem* the naked woman.

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February 01, 2008 11:59:15 PM
     I'm finally throwing in the towel for my legendary PA tags, NASA-PHY, my first and only license plate designation for the last 8 years is being retired. Now that I'm a resident of Tennessee, I've had to declare a new permanent address, get a new drivers license, yadda yadda yadda, it's like I'm getting a new identity, anyways, the last step was to get the new tags for my car :-(
     My new plate is nothing special, just a standard plate with randomly generated characters. I really didn't want to get this thing, but I had to, I liked having people know I was a northerner :-) Oh well, life goes on I guess, farewell NASA-PHY, we had some good times, you will never be forgotten!


DATE: February 02, 2008 02:02:01 PM     NAME: andrew
COMMENT: top secret? lame!

DATE: February 03, 2008 11:50:30 AM     NAME: km
COMMENT: Haha..it cracked me up too =) I miss your car!!

DATE: February 04, 2008 08:35:19 AM     NAME: Hannah
COMMENT: At least you saved the license plate, right?

DATE: March 17, 2008 10:46:52 PM     NAME: Don
COMMENT: You suck

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Beer Batch 2 Part 2
January 06, 2008 02:01:57 PM
     Ok, so here it is! The much anticipated part 2 of my beer brewing escapades! In this portion of the brew process, we have bottling, secondary fermentation, and carbonating.
     The first step to today's procedure is the one thing I don't miss, sanitizing the bottles. You have to scrub and dunk each bottle in iodine solution. Finally I was able to open the primary fermenter, it smelled so good! I then took its specific gravity reading for calculating alcohol content later, then siphoned it all into the bottling bucket which was first filled with my priming sugar mix.
     Everything was now ready for bottling. One by one I plunged the dipper into the bottles and capped them with the heavy duty bottle capper. Keep in mind, I even had to sterilize the caps!
     After all the bottles were filled I was finally able to clean up, thats the last step! While in the bottles, the beer will gain clarity, accrue a little more alcohol, carbonate automatically from the yeasts fermentation of the priming sugar, and mature it's taste. I ran out of bottles when filling, so I had to use my growler, and a grolsch bottle, so all said and done, I made about 46 bottles.



DATE: January 06, 2008 02:03:45 PM     NAME: DK
COMMENT: It has actually been 4.5 weeks since I bottled, The final product is amazing! My best beer to date! It was as I expected this time, an English Pale Ale! w00t

DATE: January 09, 2008 06:22:20 PM     NAME: km
COMMENT: I like how you wrote it =) Interesting. It's like you were narrating. And you've gotta save me a bottle! No matter how long before I'm able to taste it, promise?

DATE: February 04, 2008 08:37:33 AM     NAME: Hannah
COMMENT: Dang! How much did it cost for you to make all of that? How much of a profit do you think you could get if you sold them?

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X-mas Break
January 04, 2008 10:51:03 PM
     At first I was pretty sure I'd be spending xmas here in Nashville. As a new guy at work, I don't get squat for vacation days so I just planned to chill at my own place. As xmas was getting closer, though, I found that I really wanted to go home more and more. Luckily soon after I discovered a way I could get an extra day off, a Comp day. I got it for working on a sunday once! That gave me 3 days to use, a comp day, my 1 vacation day, and a floating holiday. With those, I was able to bridge the xmas break and the new years break thus giving me 11 days not at work.
     I flew home the last day of work. Went straight to the airport. Dad picked me up at the Baltimore airport with Brandon. The only thing that kind of sucked was that since I flew, I didn't have my car! Luckily I was able to borrow dad's and Brandon's a lot, but still, it would have been nice to have my own.
     I did all kinds of stuff, mostly visited people. I saw grandma, grandpa, Jason L & family, Megan's family, and even Kelly. We went out to a bar twice to see Tiff's dad play in his band, 'Broken Pieces'. He's pretty good. I'd have to admit, at first I thought going to these bars was going to suck, but her dad plays a really good selection of classic rock and he is really good, so my opinion was flipped.

     On xmas eve I went to church with mom as usual. Holly was in a play during the service, she was a 'present' to go under the 'xmas tree'. The play was too long, I'm amazed they even got all the kids to stand still that long. That night I did something I hadn't done in years, I slept at mom's house because she wanted me to wake up xmas day at her house. It was awful! For one, she put me in Holly's room, so I was self conscious of every sound I made from every move I made because I was on a noisy air mattress, her house is kept pretty cold, and her house is silent! Like, I can't sleep unless I have some kind of background noise, well, at moms, there is not a sound, so that disburbed me as well.
     Xmas day is certainly one I will not forget for quite some time. It never ceases to amaze me how there always has to be some complications, nothing can ever go smoothly or at least as expected. When I woke up, we went out to the tree and like normal, systematically started distributing and opening the gifts. Shortly after, Grandma showed up. Then a few minutes later, Brandon and Megan showed up. More gifts were opened. After assembling a very complicated shelf for mom, we had a very nice lunch. Up till about 12:30, I even noted just how well things were going. In an instant, the day went horribly wrong.
     Brandon called mom saying there was an accident. Mom heard the word blood and instantly flipped out. She went into her hysterical freak-out mode, and started screaming that we had to go! She was so upset and jittery, that I had to physically remove her from her own car's driver side, and put her into my car's passenger side. She was in no mental state to drive, and I was not about to let her drive for fear of her having another accident.
     When we got to the site of the accident, we found everyone to be ok, only a few minor injuries (scratches, bruises, etc). So right infront of my dad's house, there was a 3 car collision. Apparently, Don was making his gift-delivery rounds, went to pull into my driveway, and when crossing the center line, hit a car moving full speed in the on-coming lane. This impact forced the car off the road, threw dad's front yard, and just as fate would have it, into Brandon and Megan's car. Megan's car just happened to be pulling out of the exit side of our driveway when the incident occurred, hence the 3rd car. It was probably the worst accident that I ever saw in real life, but a lot of good came out of it. I don't know why Don was chosen as the messenger, but I'm sure he will get his reward some day. Brandon and Megan almost broke up the day before and now they are closer than ever, dad's near heart attack from all the commotion made him finally start dieting, if Megan's car wasn't in the driveway to absorb all the energy of the middle car, the 2 lady's would have drove head on into a tree! So this must have been a wake up call for them too. Theres just all kinds of crazy coincidences from this situation.

     After a few days, things started getting back to normal. Everyone got rental cars since all 3 cars were totaled. I went out with Don quite a bit to look at new cars. I Played Risk at Andrew's with his room mate Johnny, saw the movies Walk Hard and Idiocracy. They were both pretty funny.

     New Years Eve was a good time too. Emmy drove Me, Chris, and Tiff up to Philly to hang out at Hannah's and Shane's. I got to meet Hannah's b/f, Tyree when we all went out to eat. He's pretty cool. Seems like he has his head screwed on right, he'll keep Hannah in line ;-) During the ball-drop, I had Khine on the phone. Man that was rough. I wanted to be with her so bad. At least the phone connection didn't die, we were talking during the whole midnight celebration. After we got off the phone, I went to the bathroom, and thats when I did something stupid. I dropped Emmy's phone into the toilette! Luckily after a nights worth of drying, it worked again in the morning. PHEW!
     New Years Day included more work than I was ever expecting. Emmy wanted to make us a traditional dinner, pork, sauer kraut, mashed taters, and peas. Since Shane's kitchen wasn't exactly usable, though, we had to clean it up first. We figured, since he let us all crash there and bought so much beer, it was the least we could do. After 4 hours of laborious work, the kitchen was finally usable. Emmy made the dinner, we all enjoyed it, we then said our good byes, and we were off to York.

     When I got back, I cleaned up, went out to say my good byes personally to Don and Andrew, took a 1.5 hour nap, woke up dad, and we were off to the airport. 6am flew to Atlanta, 9:45 flew back to Nashville, then one of my co-workers picked me up and took me straight to work. Man! That was one long work day!

                  ==> CLICK HERE to see all the pics! <==

DATE: January 05, 2008 01:57:26 PM     NAME: KM
COMMENT: I'm so happy you had such a great time with your family for the holidays, Danny, especially cuz you thought you wouldn't be able to have that. Lol, all those things you said you did, feels like I was right there too..cuz you let me. Thanks, Danny! And that accident, phew, thank god no one was badly injured. Thank god.

DATE: January 06, 2008 08:04:56 PM     NAME: Shane
COMMENT: It was so good to see you again, Dan. It had been way way too long. Once I get more established at my job, I definitely wanna use some vaca time to come check out your corner of the world.

DATE: January 08, 2008 11:00:29 AM     NAME: Tiff
COMMENT: Happy Birthday Dan! Quick edit on your post: My dad's band is called "Piece of Me" and when they play acoustic, they're called "In Pieces". It was awesome hanging out with you over break! Hope you can come to the St. Patty's Day party. I'll figure out the date as soon as we get back to school. Hope your birthday is going well!

DATE: January 09, 2008 01:36:36 AM     NAME: Hannah
COMMENT: Dan you had me laughing the whole time I read your blog. I forgot how funny you are when you write. I'm glad you think Tyree has his head screwed in right. He def does keep me in line. Been straightedge for 5 months now and feelin better than ever!!! Hope you had a great b-day and hope to see (and go shoppin with) Khine soon!! :)

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Beer Batch 2
November 19, 2007 10:06:04 PM
     Wow, 3 photo blogs in a row! Craziness! Anyway, been doing a lot of cooking lately. This time it wasn't food though, something better, beer! I haven't brewed since college so I figured it was about time to get the ole' gear out and cook up a batch. I've helped three other people brew since my last batch, so I was feeling a lot more confident this time. With a little more experience, I think the whole process when a lot smoother, like there were no surprises, and I was even able to come up with some new ways of doing things that really helped.
     This time I followed the recipe for an Old English Pale Ale. It was a half grain, half malt wart complete with a 20 min grain steeping. (wart simply means un-fermented beer; the stuff in the brewpot) For extra aroma and a hoppier finish, I hopped the wart once at the start of boiling, and again just before the rapid cooling.
     I wish I hadn't, but I still used just a standard yeast. This got me only 2 days of rapid bubbling in the carboy (primary fermenter), also it took about 24 full hours to start. So definitely not the most active stuff. So I guess this means the finished beer won't be over 6% alcoholic. Oh well, if the smell of gases emanating from the airlock is any indication, this will be one great tasting beer!



DATE: November 25, 2007 03:21:36 PM     NAME: KM
COMMENT: I can't wait to try this batch! You have to make Hafaveissen next time, like the one before Julius Echter...hmm..I can't even begin to pronounce that one.

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Making Chili
November 11, 2007 09:50:10 PM
     So today I attempted to cook the most challenging thing I've ever tried to make. Chili! I know it's not that difficult a thing to make compared to many other things, but this is certainly the hardest thing I have ever tried making! Normally when I cook it just involves warming things up from a can or just mixing a bunch of things and mixing them together. Well this time there is actually a small amount of skill needed and it required a wide variety of ingredients.
     I've always liked chili and thought it would be cool to make my own batch. When I was living at the ZBT house, there was a day that one of the Alumni came over and made a huge amount of the stuff for everyone. As I recalled, it was pretty good. So thanks to Randy Hendrix, I now have an awesome recipe for making that chili myself.
     I am so proud of how it turned out, and for the fact that I actually motivated myself enough to do some real cooking that I photographed the various steps. Makes me hungary just thinking about it again!



DATE: November 11, 2007 10:06:39 PM     NAME: KM
COMMENT: It looks sooooo gooood! I wanna have some too! Please freeze some and bring over please?

DATE: November 11, 2007 10:09:05 PM     NAME: DK
COMMENT: OK! I will do my best. I hope it still tastes good after being sub zero. Well, you know, it's so good now, that even after freezing, I bet it will still taste good!

DATE: November 12, 2007 08:19:50 AM     NAME: RH
COMMENT: My mom freezes it all the time. It'll do fine.

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I, Dilbert
November 03, 2007 05:58:30 PM
     You know, now that I'm an engineer in the real world, I am finding Dilbert cartoon strips funnier and funnier. They are basically all true! Here are some that DIRECTLY apply to my job right now...



DATE: November 04, 2007 01:29:48 PM     NAME: andrew
COMMENT: these are great, my fav is the last one

DATE: November 04, 2007 03:54:02 PM     NAME: KM
COMMENT: Haha..I like the last one too!

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Disappearing Bees
October 28, 2007 08:28:18 PM
     Unless you follow the news, this may sound a bit obscure, but for some mysterious reason, bees are disappearing! Specifically I'm talking about honey bees, the natural and most important component to large scale pollination. This topic keeps coming up on various news stations, and quite frankly it's really starting to freak me out. I mean with out bees doing their job, many crops like tomatoes, blueberries, and lots of other produce we take for granted at the grocery store won't be able to cross germinate, so they won't diversify, they'd only be able to reproduce with neighboring plants generation after generation. In human terms thats the equivalent to inbreeding. Each subsequent generation would be less and less resistant to contaminants, insects, and disease. Crops would get harder and harder to grow, get very expensive in the stores, and ultimately become scarce.
     This is such a bizarre crisis, I really don't think people realize how big this problem is at this very moment! According to some bee keepers across the united states, 2/3 of all their bees have just vanished this summer! Like not necessarily die, but just, not return to the hive. Bees can normally fly up to 2 miles from the hive and still be able to find their way back. Farmers are saying that they just barely made it through this season of crops, they have no idea what will happen next year. TWO freaken THIRDS! Gone!
     This is so big that the US dept of Agriculture has immediately dispatched several dedicated research groups and has put several university's top scientists on them. Experts are estimating that at the current rate of bee hive death, there will be none left by 2035. We would be forced to eat only grains and corn. Other fruits and vegetables would become rare delicacies and have to be grown in controlled green houses. To me this just seems like another scary sci-fi movie coming to life.
     So I don't have any idea what I think is the direct cause for this, but I do know that we humans have taken this planet for granted so much that we have done nothing but completely fuck things up since we could walk upright. Global warming may be denied by every politician with a 2k+ salary, but the facts are facts. There is more CO2 in the atmosphere now than there ever was, this has been proven by atmospheric ice sampling and correlation shows us that the more CO2 is present, the higher the average climate temp will be.
     Honestly, I think the bees going away is yet another sign. It's been said so many times that animals are more in tune with the planet. Sure we were given the 'gift' of reason, the ability to open our eyes to the hows and whys, but at the same time, we've lost touch with nature. So if this is a sign, what is it trying to tell us? Are we on the brink of another global catastrophe, is another ice age just a century away?

DATE: October 29, 2007 01:13:47 AM     NAME: KM
COMMENT: There has to be a reason, I'm sure they'll find it out soon. Animals ARE indeed more in tune with nature though. I think it's cats. They leave when the people in the house get too stressed for whatever the reason.

DATE: November 04, 2007 01:37:02 PM     NAME: andrew
COMMENT: Yeah man this bees thing is all over the news, scarey stuff. I know there's things that help like recycling, driving less, and switching your lightbulbs to CFLs....but that will only SLOW DOWN our raping of the earth, not end it. I think the only way to ensure human survival is to live in harmony with the earth like native americans. Stephen Hawking says that humans will only survive if we extend to other planets, but I think that's a load of crap because then we'll just destroy those other planets too.

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Trip to Detroit
October 18, 2007 06:04:54 PM
     Just got back from another tavel job. This time SquareD takes me to Ypsilanti Michigan, which is a small town beside Ann Arbor, about 25 miles from Detroit. This job actually went alright. It was just a software and database upgrade, but a lot of probs cropped up. Luckily the guy that came with me was able to figure most of the stuff out. This was supposed to be my job, but he did most of the figuring out, MAN I still have a lot to learn!
     This trip only called for 2 full days of on-site work so I only had a little time for site seeing. The job site was EMU, East Michigan University. It's sort of like a city college but It's a small town so not really. I thought it was kind of run down. Not that nice a place, lots of scary people walking around too. I did get a chance to go to Ann Arbor one night and see MU, Michigan University, no relation to EMU. It was a million times nicer! In fact, it was prob the nicest small town college I have ever seen. The campus was nicely integrated into the town, so lots of downtown sections, yet all the university buildings maintained the same gothic architecture type. There were a lot more students out and about too, so it gave a more pleasant feel.
     My last night there, me and the other engineer went into Detroit. I did not like it at all. We went all over looking for a good spot to walk around, there were virtually none. Just the whole place was so sketchy! Dirty and poorly lit, homeless people out the wazoo! Dingy strip clubs around every block and people racing in the streets. I was afraid to stop the car at stop lights for fear that we would get car jacked. In the 'nice' parts of town, it was still empty and over run with hooligans. Eventually we found a small section called, Greektown. It was only 2 blocks long, but it was the nicest section we could find in the whole city so we parked and got food there. After eating we cautiously walked back to the car and zoomed back to the hotel. Phew, Not going there again!

Check out the Picture ==> HERE

DATE: October 19, 2007 01:33:43 PM     NAME: KM
COMMENT: Boy, you need pepper spray. Can you choose not to accept job in Detroit again?

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Joaquins Wedding in VA
September 03, 2007 10:52:43 PM
     I got to fly back to VA this weekend for a wedding. But because I was in the wedding, and not just an attendant, it was crazy hectic as always. Rob was best man, and I was the groomsman. With such a small wedding party, we had plenty to do.
     I flew to Richmond on Thursday night after work, then Rob picked me up at the airport. We headed to C-ville to spend the night at Khine's place. LoL, we got totally drunk on wine, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot I believe. Friday, while Khine was at class, Rob and I picked up our tuxes and got supplys to decorate Joaquin's car. After picking up Khine, we headed down to Lynchburg to help set everything up at the club house where the reception was to be held. Then we went over to the church for the rehearsal. Joaquin's sister, who was in the wedding as the bride's maid, was supper late that night, so she missed the practice all together, so Khine got to fill in! It was so cool, it was just like so natural too, allmost like she was there to be in the wedding, not just an attendant. After that we went to downtown L-burg for the rehearsal dinner. It was at an old train station turned into a steak house. They had some really good food. His sister showed up around this time.
     After dinner, we packed up the car and headed down to tech. There was a killer house party going on that night, and tons of alumni were in town, so we got to see lots of brothers we hadnt seen in a while. The next morning we got up bright and early to go to the tailgate party. Ray still has his sweet spot near the woods. After that we packed up again, and at 10am sharp, headed back to L-burg.
     I think it took us a lot longer than it should have to get back to the club house, because Rob got this new GPS for his car, and it took us through miles and miles of winding back roads over mountains and hillsides, etc. It was a nice scenic route though. After packing more things up, we headed to the church, got dressed, had some pics taken, and it was show time! The actual ceremony went very smoothly. There was a part of it where Rachel's brother read a bible passage via recording because he was serving in Kuwait, and man! let me tell you, I had never seen so many people in tears at a wedding before, very emotional, I had to keep staring at the ceiling to keep from tearing up.
     Of course more pictures had to follow, but next it was back to the club house. Again, it was a pretty smooth reception. Almost completely traditional in every way. I even gave a speech! I wasn't planning on it, but I was sitting next to the maid of honor, and after her speech she handed me the mic, and I didn't want to look bad, so I was like, what the hell, I had a good bit of beer, wine, and champagne in me already, so I winged it. Completely off the cuff, and I was nervous like crazy at first, but I was told that it was the best speech. I talked about how all 3 of us were engineers (Joaquin, Rob, and myself) and worked on all sorts of things together, then I mentioned about our beer brewing, and how it was the most fun I ever had, in a kitchen, etc, etc, got some good laughs. After all the talking, we got to eat. It was traditional greek food. Then there was lots of dancing, and I even got Khine up to dance with me for a bit!
     Joe, Alison, Alex, Joey F, and his g/f were all able to come to the wedding and reception. I'm pretty glad they could make it because I didnt get to see them at the ZBT house the previous night, and I think they made the recept even more fun. After everything was done, and Joaquin and Rachel drove off in their car to the hotel, we cleaned up, and changed. This night wasnt over yet! So all of us ZBT guys (and khine) went to downtown L-burg again to find a good bar.
     When it was finally time for bed, and we got back to the club house, it was completely locked up! Rachel's mom, who was spending the night there also, figured we werent coming back and locked the place up tight. I wasnt gonna take that, so I walked around the house for a bit, found an open window, climbed in like a monkey, ran downstairs, and unlocked the door. Ok, so were were in, but all the bedrooms were up stairs, and there was an upstairs door, which was also locked, there was no quiet way of by-passing that one, so I finally conceded. I was so mad. The whole reason I wanted Rob to take us back to the club house was so I could finally spend a night ALONE with Khine. Since I had no car, we were with other people the whole time. But it completely back fired and it turned out to be the worst night of the whole trip. We were all in the same room and had to sleep on the floor with no pillows or cushions, and had to try to stay warm with table cloths. All the while there were ample beds and couches up stairs all to 1 single person! AAAAAHHHH. Makes me mad just recounting the night.
     All in all though, it was a pretty fun time. I got to do lots of things that I hadnt done in a long time, got to see Khine, good times. The flight home was a sad one. I didnt want to leave VA. Oh well, all good things must come to an end. Anyways, I have all the pics up. Check 'em out!


DATE: September 04, 2007 06:19:16 AM     NAME: KM
COMMENT: Haha..yeah, I enjoyed the weekend though. It was a new experience, seeing the insides of a wedding. And seeing you not enough but just enough to last me for two more weeks when you'll be here again..

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Industrial Blvd Closure
August 29, 2007 08:33:35 AM
     Dear god is traffic bad around here! In the mornings, if you want to head in the Nashville direction, you might as well just spend your previous night at your destination because the traffic gets sooo backed up!
     I normally don't have to deal with the traffic that much because my work is pretty close to the road I live on, I only live 8 miles from work. Well, a new Target is being built on the road I take to work, and they recently closed that road, DEAR GOD! It's making traffic every where else completely miserable! I can't find a way to work! I live only 10min from work, and I can't even get there in an hour!!!!!! I've tried all 3 other ways across to LaVergne, it doesnt matter, they are all back logged, even the back roads are messed up!

DATE: August 29, 2007 05:44:21 PM     NAME: KM
COMMENT: An HOUR? Gosh! What do they need Target for anyway when there're malls on that road already? *shake head* I'm sorry, honey. Guess you're gonna have to get up an hour earlier every day..

DATE: October 22, 2007 08:55:51 AM     NAME: Emily
COMMENT: You should get a bike. It would only take a couple of minutes to ride 8 miles on a bike and you could totally skip the traffic jams!

DATE: November 13, 2008 12:19:53 AM     NAME: dk
COMMENT: it would be good exercise too!

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Slight Water Problem
August 16, 2007 10:44:26 PM
     I finally figured out what that funky smell in my house was! Turns out there was a huge puddle in my utilities closet that never went away. My air conditioner drips like crazy, So much so that it's just as effective as a dehumidifier.
     I hate it when I have to turn in problems to the main office because they always send the maintenance guys when ever they feel like it and it's always while I'm at work, so who knows what else they're sticking their noses in. So I fixed the problem my self!
     With a little patients, some plastic leftovers from a torn apart printer, and some twisties I was able to pull a McGuyver! I developed this network of cheutes to guide the dripping water to this bucket. Ingenious no? Now I just have to remember to empty the bucket at least every 3 days, or else the whole contraption is just a mute point.

Check it out! ==> Pure and Absolute Genius :-)

DATE: August 16, 2007 10:47:37 PM     NAME: KM
COMMENT: I agree, it's PURE ingenius!! =D Love it!

DATE: August 18, 2007 01:35:45 PM     NAME: andrew
COMMENT: lame sauce

DATE: August 27, 2007 10:06:59 PM     NAME: Don G.
COMMENT: Yeah dude, Maintenance tech will take forever to get out there then when they do they are going to tell you they need to order parts and they will have to come back out later in the week, but they wont return. Nice job though, glad to see that college education is being put to good use.

DATE: December 03, 2008 01:51:15 PM     NAME: dk
COMMENT: no problems at my new place!

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Great Day at Work
August 07, 2007 09:55:12 PM
     I'm in such a good mood that I just have to talk about this again. I love Schneider Electric! And Square-D just rock0rs so many s0x0rs! Sure some work days can get somewhat stressful now that I'm actually doing work, but hey, I'm an engineer in the electrical field, it's gonna happen. Anyways, yesterday was culture day, its basically an excuse to waist half a work day. Like at around lunch time, we get to eat all these foods from all around the world, like who ever wanted to participate made up a little booth in the conference room, had a little poster about their country and had some indigenous food. There was way too much too eat, and of course I filled up on Japans dishes, sushi!
     Today, the guy I'm working with on the service van project took us out to lunch. I guess what they say about people in the marketing dept is true, they love taking people out to lunch and spending company money. Today we also finally found out our relocation assignments, finally we get our own cubes! Mine is in a real good location, hehe, away from all my managers, pretty big too!
     Also today, I received confirmation that I get to go back to Tech for their job fair this fall! Now I'm on the other side of the table. This is so exciting. I'll get to see everybody again, visit Khine, and since it will be a business trip, I can expense everything to my AmEx card....sweeeeeet :-)
     Seriously, some of my graduating peers found jobs that pay a little more than me, but you know what? I'd rather be paid slightly less and work at a job I look forward to going to everyday, than work somewhere for more and hate it. There isn't one person I dislike at sq-d, and that includes my managers. The guys I was hired with are all pretty sweet too. I am just so glad I picked this job over Voith (which I didnt get anyways...phew)

DATE: August 14, 2007 09:43:37 PM     NAME: KM
COMMENT: You're so lucky to have found a job you look forward to going every day!! I'm so happy for you whenever I think about it =) and even happier when I think about how happy you are with this job. Congrats, again on getting this job, Danny!

DATE: August 18, 2007 04:14:34 AM     NAME: Hannah
COMMENT: Looks like you're bein guided in the right direction. That's also awesome you get to see Khine!! The apt looks awsome, and I'm glad you fixed that leak, although you still should get it to stop drippin b/c that's alot of water to waste! p.s. the amusement park trip looked sweet. I'ma goin to the beach in 2 weeks w/ my work friends

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Neighbor Hatred
July 28, 2007 06:49:29 PM
     Surely by now my next door neighbors must hate me. I've been sawing, drilling, hammering, running motors, and vacuuming all week constantly! This latest robot project has just been literally consuming me, I've been working on it after work and over the weekends since I started about a week and a half ago, but I don't care, Its like the coolest thing I've ever made! Luckily I'm about done all the noisy stuff. I only have one more leg to make, and the only reason I'm not just gonna finish it off today is because I figured I'd be nice and stop making noise at 5. So I'll work on that part tom at noon I guess.
     So today was by far the most productive day yet! Today I successfully interfaced my comms circuit board to my pic test circuit, got my pic processors polling and receiving the data quite accurately, set up and hooked a power supply to my new 500mW fm transmitter, built a real nice multi-voltage work station out of an old computer power supply, and of course finished 90% of Tarantula's drive train. Even remembered to cook something to eat today! YEAH! Only thing left today is taking out the trash and getting groceries (have to start packing lunch monday, no more free lunches for a while, poo)


DATE: November 11, 2007 08:37:30 PM     NAME: random
COMMENT: That is a really cool design!

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Note found on sweeper
July 22, 2007 03:57:55 PM
     Am I really so bad, that mom still felt it necessary to put this note on my new vacuum sweeper?


Come on...I have a little self control.

DATE: July 22, 2007 06:56:39 PM     NAME: KM
COMMENT: Haha..makes me laugh =D

DATE: July 24, 2007 10:59:51 PM     NAME: andy
COMMENT: As soon as the vacuum bag gets full, you know that you'll just strip it for the parts.

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