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July 19, 2007 07:25:23 AM
     What is it with the TN locals? They just love using pet names. No matter where it is, the lady at Wal-mart, Hey there darling, how was your day darling? My apt office lady, How can I help you baby, well let me just see what i can do baby. Yesterday at the auto place getting my oil changed, Hey bud, so what kind of service are we looking at here bud, can I interest you in a new air filter bud?
     Now this is not normally something that would annoy me, but these people are doing it like literally every sentence! I dont know, just wierd :-/

DATE: July 20, 2007 06:45:51 AM     NAME: KM
COMMENT: Hi honey!! Nothing..I just wanted to say 'hi' =D

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Bye Khine!
July 08, 2007 01:54:06 AM
     She's only been gone for an hour and I already miss her like crazy! Khine came down to visit me this week and it was good times. We even taught ourselves how to cook so many new things. Man, after doing so much together, taking her to the bus station felt like the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Gosh, and on that note, I'd just like to comment on the quote, 'Mos Eisley spaceport, you'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy' HA! Try greyhound bus stations! There are more scary, smelly and homeless people there than any were. I hate it so bad when she has to use that awful bus service. I feel like something bad is going to happen every time. I miss you :-(

DATE: July 08, 2007 05:29:38 PM     NAME: KM
COMMENT: Aw, honey! It's okay..I wasn't scared at all taking those buses cuz one look at my don't-even-look-at-me face and no one dared come near me. And those long busrides are all worth it cuz I get to see you!! I had such fun, Danny. Thank you for taking such great care of me. Muah! Love you!! And I'm missing you like crazy too. I told you what I was thinking about, right? Heh..made me plan so far ahead in the future..

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New Sections Needed & Work
June 10, 2007 12:10:19 PM
     Man, now that I'm not in college anymore, none of the tabs in my pictures section apply to any of the pics I take. I guess I will have to make a whole new tab section. Speaking of new pictures, I have my professional graduation picture up, I'm making a really funny face, so don't laugh too hard.

==> Pictures-Graduation Hand Off

     Anyways, work seems to be going pretty good, granted it's all been training so far and no real work done, I can already tell that I will really like this job. The way things have been going this last week, and for the next 2 weeks, is like a class room environment. In fact, going to work, right now, is like an extension to college. Each day we report to this big training room. It's like a cross between an auditorium and a computer lab. We've had to watch power points, listen to people talk, and do little labs on these set ups infront of us. The stuff they are teaching us so far is how to install our huge software package, set up our line of power monitoring equipment, integrate everything, get it talking to the software over an ip network, the history of the company, the chain of command, and more. It's really fast pace, and we already took like a test, on friday, they layed out all these parts in front of us, gave us a computer and 4 hours and told us to get this all up and running. It was crazy tense. I didnt get as far as I wanted to, but I still got farther than most people.
     The company is also trying to make these training session classes into a competition. We are all being assigned points for our in-class partisipation, lab time completions, and various other things. As of thursday's rankings, out of 30 new people, I was number 1! How sweet was that! See this is really good, because right now, we are stuck in these bull-pen arranged cubicles, which basically just means several people in one space, well, our boss said he'd like to get us all moved to our own cubicles, but there wont be quite enough for everyone to have their own. So the highest ranking people will have first choice on which cubicles they want.
     Oh yeah! speaking of sweetness! I found out that my boss is also huge into home automation! He is apparently known at Sqare-D for his crazy x-mas light set ups each year. We seem to get along very well :-) Another cool thing is, every day at work, and for 2 more weeks to come, the company has been buying us breakfast and lunch! Buffet style! It's too nice. I already got my new laptop, IBM thinkpad, always a good choice. I get a company credit card, a 2 gig usb thumb drive, a 100 gig mini external HD, and next wednesday night, the company is taking us all out to this place for games and food. Can't remember what its called, but it's described as a chukie cheese for adults. We'll get to play endless video games and bowling while stuffing our faces with ribs and wings! GOD I LOVE THIS JOB! Hopefully I'll still love it when I actually have to start doing work :-)

DATE: June 10, 2007 06:21:16 PM     NAME: km
COMMENT: Ooooooh, I have a very strong feeling that you'll still like the job when you start working. You'll like it even more!

DATE: June 10, 2007 06:22:45 PM     NAME: km
COMMENT: Hehe..you're so cute in there. I've never seen you make that face before.

DATE: July 07, 2007 05:08:25 PM     NAME: Andrew
COMMENT: Hey bro the new version of Mozilla Firefox has a built-in spell checker, it would do wonders for your website :)

DATE: July 08, 2007 01:54:34 AM     NAME: DK
COMMENT: new firefox installed :-)

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Hello Real World: leaving York, moving to TN
June 05, 2007 08:37:55 PM
     So I finally graduated. I managed to do it in just 5 years, with only 11 credits spread accross the whole 5th year. Grad was nice, my whole family came down, and so did khine, andrew, don, and hannah. Even rob was there, who graduated the previous semester. I mean, it was a little hecktic with my mom spending three nights under the same roof as everyone else, and she was deff getting on everyones nurves, but being able to look back on the whole scenario now, I'd say it was a great way to finnish out my childhood. A little bit of everything rolled into one last adventure, mom induced stress, family non-sense, old friends, college friends, moms plans during the day, beer pong and music at night, and my girl friend beside me the whole way!
     After all the grad related things, it was time to pack up. I had 1.5 weeks to get my whole life stowed into an army of corrigated boxes from late night wal-mart rades. Over that duration I visited lots of people too, man, it was just one busy time. At the end of it, I got a 26' Penske moving truck, the biggest a non-comercially licensed driver can drive leagally. Brandon, dad, and I spent my last saturday loading up the truck. Remarkably, it only took 2 hours, but man was that rough! It was just so hot. I got the worst rash ever! Sunday at noon, we shoved off! Dad drove the truck and I drove my car.
     Our first stop was supposed to be Tech to start packing my college stuff, but I just couldnt drive past interstate 64 with out stopping at c-ville, so we took a detour! Both dad and I met up with Khine at her place. While there, we relaxed a bit, took a walk downtown, and got supper. Not long after, it was time to continue on our way. I said my goodbyes again, and we headed out :-( BUT WAIT! I forgot the cooler, and I was only about 10 miles out, so I turned around while dad kept going. I got the cooler, and I got to see Khine again! With out dad there this time, things were able to get a little more steamy ;-)
     I eventually caught up with dad. It was somewhere in the vacinity of Roanoke. When we got to tech, we both basically just passed out. It wasn't until the next day that we started loading the truck again. This time the loading only took about 45 minutes. We didnt want to leave for TN until about midnight though. Since it was memorial day, the offices at my apt would have been closed, and dad didnt feel safe leaving the moving truck over night at a hotel, so we timed it so that we would arrive at my apt just as the offices opened, and man did we time it good! With a 2 hour break at a truck stop, we still managed to get to my place in Nashville right at 8am tuesday morn!
     Once there, I signed some papers, we moved my stuff in, drove around to activate my utillities, then relaxed. Dad was there till thursday. It was then i took him to the airport to catch his 8am flight back to harrisburg. LoL, he missed his layover flight in charlotte NC getting a cup of coffee. everyone was freaking out because dad never came home when he was supposed to, but luckily they gave him tickets for a later flight, so it was all good.

     So here I am, living in TN now, working everyday. I really miss VT, college was great, I miss the student life and being able to see Khine all the time. But we all have to move on, my apt is fabulous, my job is in my field, has a high starting sal, and is just all together freaken sweet, so I guess I really can't complain. Pics and more on my job coming soon...

DATE: June 06, 2007 01:07:17 AM     NAME: andrew

DATE: June 08, 2007 12:34:21 AM     NAME: km
COMMENT: STEAMY...Oooooooh yeah! It really was for the entire time I was with you and of course the quick trip back! Gosh, I had so much fun, Danny! And even though you're so far, far away, I am just really happy that you're where you are cuz you are happy =D

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Scare in the Shower
April 27, 2007 12:48:46 PM
     This morning I had another close encounter of the 30-legged kind. When I got into the shower today, right in front of me, on sean's loofa, while i was naked and defenseless, there was a fully grown centipede crawling around. It startled the dickens out of me! On the porous loofa, it could hardly walk, so I easily knocked it down. When it was on the wet and slippery bathtub surface, it couldn't do much either. So I grabbed my soap box, and quickly terminated it's existence. Disgusted, I resumed my shower.

     At least I had another entry to add to my Confirmed Kills list. And afterwards it sparked another curiosity spell in me; I ended up finding this really informative site about the little creatures:
House Centipede Info

DATE: April 27, 2007 03:27:36 PM     NAME: km
COMMENT: Hehe..you were naked, eh? lol..oh Danny..so what do you do with the poor little guy's body after you terminated its existence? =)

DATE: April 30, 2007 02:08:18 PM     NAME: Kev
COMMENT: so those are the centipedes u are encountering? looks different from the ones i thought.. the more common looking ones

DATE: April 30, 2007 11:18:57 PM     NAME: andrew
COMMENT: wow man, it says that some are large enough to eat mice, birds and toads. find any of them around?

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Packing and Pitching
April 25, 2007 11:36:33 PM
     So it’s occurring to me just how much stuff I really have. As I slowly assemble lists and boxes of my stuff, I can’t believe how many more things I have compared to most people my age. I really am a pack-rat, but I’m not the only one. I think this habit runs in my dads side of the family. Seriously, when my brother was younger, he liked power rangers. He had so many of their toys it was unbelievable. Not just a lot, but tons! Then when he got older, it was jeff Gordon stuff. His whole room was packed full of Jeff Gordon memorabilia. My dad definitely takes things to the extreme too. He has probably the largest star trek collection on the east coast. The entire house is stuffed wall to wall with star trek stuff. For me, it’s anything I think I could use later, so I’m the one that gets that derogatory title, pack-rat.
     I’m trying to break myself of this. As I am packing my things up, I’m trying extra hard to just plain let go of things that I really don’t need. With a little bit of Khine’s sweet motivation, I was able to throw a bunch of things out this evening, but man did it pain me!

Things I threw out tonight:

old briefcase
dvd player
6 cd roms
wood planks
steel plates
bio notes
external backup tape drive
box of popcorn
LBC cases

     I have a lot more packing to do, and at another house to do it as well. If I don’t want to be knee deep in my own junk down in TN at my new house, I better keep pitching things :-(

DATE: April 26, 2007 06:11:32 PM     NAME: KM
COMMENT: Yay, I'm so proud of you!! And I think 'pack-rat' sounds kinda cute! Maybe 'pack-mouse' would be cuter =) you know, if you feel so bad throwing things away, try putting them into the donation bin. Then you wouldn't mind it so much..Trash out even some of those that you need cuz you don't want to paying hundreds of dollars to be hauling across states when you can get those there for cheaper, right? Trust me, I've uprooted and moved across oceans multiple times.

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Shooting at VT
April 16, 2007 05:31:54 PM
     When I went to work on campus today, I had no idea that I'd be walking right into the worst schooting in United States history. The events that I witnessed here today are just terrible, and there are no excusses for these acts of incomprehensible violence. I am not only distraught and saddened over these matters, but am angry and downright pissed off that an engineering student would be so immature and senseless to take his frustrations out in this mannor. I can see this sort of thing happening in HS, but that should be it, never would I have expected a catastrophy of this magnitude to occure at a respected institution of learning, much less my university.

My Version of the events:
     I got to work today at 8:30, a whole hour after the first shooting in West AJ. I had no idea what was going on. I was going about my day as normal. At about 9:50, just after helping a professor with his computer, a group of cleaning ladies in a pannic passed me as I was on my way back to my office. I asked one of them, is something the matter? Her response was that there is a shooter on the loose. Next thing I know, there are cops and resque people rushing around telling us to lock ourselves in. I went into a classroom facing Norris hall. Apparently after wondering around campus for 2 hours, the shooter began his rampage in Norris.
     From that class room, I saw and heard everything. At the beginning of the scenario, there were continuous gun shots. It was the worst sounds I've ever heard. Cops and SWAT team members were rushing in from all angles. Through out, hostages were ran across the parking lot into my building with their hands over their heads and injured people were pulled out in stretchers and placed on one of the many ambulances. Also, wind was so bad that helecopters were unable to fly in to air lift any victems out. This is probabbly one of the reasons so many of the injured died.
     A little later the FBI showed up. After a quick briefing in the parkinglot they rushed in. A few min later, they came out with 3 people handcuffed and walked them over to a remote patch of grass. About an hour later, word finally got out that the gunman was dead. At this point, 22 were already confirmed dead.
     They still weren't letting everyone go yet. It is standart practice to continue the search for more suspects in the event that there were more than one attackers. Because of this, my building wasn't evacuated until about 2 hours later. By the time I was finally allowed to leave, 33 died.
     As was stated before, this was in my very own engineering dept. No names have been released yet, but I can almost be sure that I will know some of the victems that fell here today. I just can't stop thinking about the familys and loved ones of these students. I extend my greatest sympathies to them, and hope that this is the last time something like this ever happens.

2 Cops training their guns on one of the attacked class rooms

Helmuted cops heading to another entrance

Helmuted cops heading to another entrance

FBI planning

FBI planning

Hostage with hands on head transfered to my building

FBI moving in

3 suspects cuffed and marched out

Suspects lined up

Suspects getting padded down

Suspects being interrogated

Suspects being interrogated

More ambulances crews arriving

More hostages being moved

ATF Agents (ammunitions and bomb experts)

Perry St blocked off

West campus drive blocked off

All blacksburg busses isolated in front of Math Empo

DATE: April 16, 2007 08:55:58 PM     NAME: KM
COMMENT: Danny, I'm just so glad that nothing happened to you. I was so worried about you..

DATE: April 17, 2007 11:10:55 AM     NAME: TA
COMMENT: I'm just glad you're ok man!

DATE: December 05, 2008 11:08:33 AM     NAME: DK
COMMENT: seriously, me too.

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Good Beer Only, Please
April 08, 2007 01:18:12 AM
     Well it's finally happened. I never thought I'd hit this phase again, but apparently it can happen.
     You see, before college, I thought all beer was nasty. Like it was discusting. I even remember going to my first set of parties and actually dumping the beer out and just pretending to drink. Over time, though, I learned not only to like it, but quenched for it.
     So what just happend is, I don't like those beers any more again! Ok let me explain. I've been drinking good beer for so long that I can't even stand crappy American light beers anymore. I'm getting dangerously low on my homebrew, so I thought I'd venture out to the fridge to see what was in there. I found a natty light and proceeded to drink it. I about gagged because I thought it was so bad. Man I've been spoiled for too long with Vintage Cellar, LBC, and my buddy's and my home brews. So spoiled that American beers like Natural Light, Budweizer, Millwauke's Best, Rolling Rock, Coors, Keystone, etc are all gross!

DATE: April 08, 2007 01:57:27 AM     NAME: km
COMMENT: Poo! The beers you like are all so bitter.

DATE: April 08, 2007 02:21:04 AM     NAME: DK
COMMENT: HAHA, that means they're good!

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Stroke of Genius: Yellowpages for Phone
April 06, 2007 11:01:18 AM
     This morning while I was in the shower, I had yet another stroke of genius! I started thinking about how annoying it was when you are out with your friends or your driving and you realize you need to call some business for closure times, prices, or reservations, and you don't have their number. In these cases, what do we normally do? Remember, your already out and about. You normally call information (411 which costs money) or you call a friend who might be in front of a computer (usually someone who plays WOW).
     Well how about this? Wouldn't it be nice if the phone number was already in your phone? If you think about it, it's really not that bad an idea. You may already have hundreds of numbers in your phone, so why not add a separate contact directory solely for a yellow pages? Sure there would have to be a better searching method, but thats all on the software side and can easily be developed
     I've even thought out the logistics. Phones these days usually come with a minimum of 128MB of flash based memory built right onto the processor's main bus usually for all that multimedia jazz. As phones get newer, they are only going to have even more. Now lets say you only want to store the phone number and the businesses name. Using a 7 bit per character scheme, we are looking at about 500,000 to 700,000 entries per 10MB. That's enough business phone numbers for a quarter of Pennsylvania! Add a little bit of compression, and you could easily fit an entire state's yellow page listings in under 25MB, not even a quarter of a phones memory.
     Marketing this could be handled as external add-on packages for your phone. You could go to a cellphone retailer and buy a micro-flash disk for the state of your choosing or go online and buy the Download file. It's genius! Unfortunately, unless I work for a cell phone manufacturer or provider, I don't think my idea will ever see the light of day :-( Because to them, we are the little people, we are the 'stupid consumers', BA! what do they know?

DATE: April 06, 2007 07:16:16 PM     NAME: km
COMMENT: I like this! It would totally sell.

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Late for Work
April 05, 2007 12:18:13 PM
     First off, I would just like to say, if you are sharing a bathroom with other room/house mates, you do NOT take your damn sweet time in there! Especially if it's a peak time, like in the morning when everyone is trying to get to class or work on time!
     This morning, I was about an hour late to work. I wanted to start working at 8 but didn't get in till like 8:50. All because people take too damn long in the bathroom. Man that was the most frustrating and irritating experience ever, I felt like an idiot flailing my arms so many times in utter disgust but there was nothing I could do!
     I at least got a shower, but right after that, I normally go into my room to change, then I always immediately go right back into the bathroom to put on deodorant, brush my teeth, and comb and dry my hair. Well this time, the moment I stepped out of the bathroom, my housemates g/f went in. I thought, maybe shes just using the toilette. NO, I heard the shower starting. Well about 10min later, my housemate goes in there with her. i was like fuck! I need to get in there quick and get to work!
     Seriously, like 40min has gone past, I'm just sitting there waiting for the bathroom to free up grinding my teeth, flailing my arms, and cursing up a storm all while starring at my watch. Finally I snapped, I was like, FUCK THIS! I stompped over to the closet with the hot water heater, and I turned off the hot water. I ran back over to the bathroom to hear their responses. There wasn't much said, but they did leave the b-room like 1 min later. Having them finally vacate the room instilled only a small amount of satisfaction, probably because I can't even describe how pissed I was!

DATE: April 05, 2007 09:52:04 PM     NAME: km
COMMENT: Oh Danny..you're so mean! =)

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Lady From Prague
April 03, 2007 10:34:17 AM
     Just something I came up with in the shower...

There once was a lady from Prague,
who swallowed an entire frog.
She ate it whole
without a bowl,
and now she's as dead as a log.

DATE: April 05, 2007 06:37:23 PM     NAME: andrew
COMMENT: that's deep

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Damn Taxes
March 27, 2007 10:35:22 AM
     I just got my latest paystub and it happened again! The damn taxes taken off my paycheck vary to the point that it is impossible for me to actually receive more than $400. No matter how many hours I work, the taxes are always just enough to screw me over. If I earn $420, there will be $30 of taxes, if I earn $430, there will be $40 in taxes, and my latest paycheck was for $440, yeah, you guessed it, $50 in taxes!!! OMG, it's uncanny, how can they do this!? It's impossible for me to earn any more! So tell me, why should I even bother going into work after 42 hours if the rat-bastard penny pinching kleptomaniacs called the US Govt won't let me have any more money?
     Allright, so this next bi-weekly paycheck better be different. My total was alot more than 40, more like 60 hours. So if it's under 400 again, shit will most definitely hit the fan! or I'm just gonna leave the country and start my own tax less nation on some remote tropical island :-)

DATE: March 28, 2007 12:09:02 AM     NAME: km
COMMENT: And I'll be the first citizen of that country! Not too tropical though, k?

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Beer: My First HomeBrew
March 13, 2007 01:03:03 PM
     My beer is done! And it's actually pretty good! I was all paranoid and genuinely frightened that my whole batch was infected since I took so long with each step during the whole cooking process. I mean, I even had to pitch a second batch of yeast because of Stuck-fermentation only 48hours of being in the primary fermenter.
     Last Wednesday marked the 2 week point of carbonating in the bottles. When I had some, It was pretty lemony, like slightly sour, nothing bad, just, unexpected. I was making a Pale Ale, but it had a reminiscence of hefe-weizen. I was once told that most hoppy homebrews (such as IPAs and mine) could still change in flavor over a third week of carbonating. So I decided to let them go for another week, in hopes that it would get better. My biggest fear was that the sourness was from infection. I could only hope that the sourness was from the yeast and that the taste would take a turn for the better and not the worse over one more week.
     Yesterday I busted a chilled one open, and hot dang, I guess that little fact was true! My beer tastes pretty good for a n00b. To describe it, it's color is a light amber, like a yeungling only a little darker, and it's slightly foggy when chilled like a wheat beer. The taste still has that lemony accent, but it hasn't increased since last sampled, so thats good. The hoppy flavor and aromas have increased their body quite substantially which actually delicately compliments the sour attributes. It has wonderful head. When pouring, there is just the right amount of carbonation, and the head-retention is very nice too, like if you let it sit for a bit, it doesn't loose its carbonation.
     Like I said, I'm pretty pleased with this batch, but now I'm not really sure how to classify it. It was suppose to be a Pale Ale, but considering that it tastes like a combination of a hefe-weizen and an india pale ale, I think I will create my own catagory and place it in there; India Hefe Ale (IHA). I must also name it, so paying homage to my fav place on earth, I shall call it, the Heff-Hog.

DATE: March 14, 2007 01:03:30 PM     NAME: andrew
COMMENT: your favorite place on earth is a hog?

DATE: March 14, 2007 11:21:38 PM     NAME: km
COMMENT: IHA. Another acronym? Lol..Congrats, btw on beer!

DATE: March 22, 2007 02:50:40 PM     NAME: Kev

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The Last Spring Break
March 13, 2007 11:05:31 AM
     Spring Break is over, and unfortunately, it was the last one I'll ever have. It was quite a doozy, though, so even if it was the last, it was a great one. Did all sorts of things, went all over the place.
     The first portion of the break involved Khine catching a ride down to Tech, assembling the troops, and convoying to the OuterBanks. We stayed in a HUGE beach house in Corolla, NC for 4 days. It was a sweet place. The stay was so peaceful. The drives, however, were another story. Each way was about 7 hours. I got a flat tire on the way there, and a speeding ticking on the way back. It's amazing how fast your day can turn to shit :-/
     Next we went back to tech to reload my car for the long journey back to York, unfortunately Khine was unable to accompany me on this leg of the trip due to strict AVRs (Aunt Visitation Regulations). So I dropped her off in C-ville and resumed my travels.
     While in York, I just mostly hung out. Not doing too much. Some things I managed to accomplish were cleaning out my car, dusted, vacuumed, and shined it, it looks almost new! I went skiing with Em's bf, Ron, and a friend from tech who wanted to see york. Man, I skied for 5 hours, for free thanks to Ron's connections! Even went down a black-diamond, very exhilarating! I can't even count how many times I went to LBC, felt like I was there every night.
     On my trip back, the PA-turn pike managed to piss me off pretty good. Apparently they stopped accepting credit cards at the toll booth. WTF! When did they start this absurd policy!? Seriously, how can they not accept cards anymore? What if someone doesn't have cash on them, I mean, not everyone has loads of cash on them these days, esp college students. Many of the toll prices can be above $20 if you use the highway to cross PA. I'm sure not everyone will have enough physical money every time. GOSH. Anyways. I was pissed because I had to break my last $20 bill for a lousy dollar. Jerks.
     All in all, it was a decent spring break. I got to spend more time with Khine than normal, and I saw lots of friends. My only real complaint is that, spring break wasn't long enough.

DATE: March 14, 2007 11:19:25 PM     NAME: km
COMMENT: Haha..AVR. I like that! =)

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Happy Lunar New Year!
February 20, 2007 01:07:22 AM
     For those of you who may not have noticed, yesterday was the Chinese New Year. I guess it would be hard to realize it if you weren't looking for it, as would any other non US holiday. I guess thats another cool thing about college, being in the middle of so many cultures, you get to experience so many more aspects of life that you wouldnt normally.
     Any ways, so on a whim, I went with Keven and Nyan to UVa for a huge celebratory dinner in honor of the new year. We met up with the Singapore club up there. David met up with us too from Nova. It was a totally sweet trip. The 'VT group' conviened at Khine's, then caravaned over. The dinner was traditional in almost every sense, right down to the offering of oranges to the host in exchange for good offerings (a personalized envelope with money in it).
     Now this house we were at was very nice. Apparently the hosts were the vice president of finanace at UVa and her husband was a professor of economics. The food was fantastic, so much and such a variety! We played games and puzzles, did a lot of sitting around and talking, and then people went picture crazy and took tons.
     Afterwards, we went back to Khine's to say good bye (she didnt come by the way, had to talk to parents over important matters) but we ended up staying! Even though Kevin had tests the next morning, David talked us into getting beer and spending the night there. It was already like 11pm and we were going to get up at 6am. But we did it anyways. Sleeping locations were scarce, so khine and i sacrificed the bed for the floor so their'd be enough. WHOO that was something else! I'll just say, that floor was most... uncompliant. LOL now I know how the people at Hannah's party who slept on the hardwood floor must have felt :-0
     Either way, I got to see Khine twice this week, and thats always good. And the party was pretty nice, so it all worked out!

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