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February 12, 2007 02:40:23 AM
     They say when you're entering an inter-racial relationship that there are many challenges that each partner must overcome. I can honestly say that I never even thought twice about this fact just before asking Khine out. I guess I always thought that I was so dynamic and passive that there just wouldn't be anything that bothers me.
     So it's been almost a year since we started officially dating and I'd have to say that things are still going pretty damn good. It has come to my attention, however, that no matter how accepting or in love you might be, you are not completely invincible to the effects of a cross cultural relationship. Since I keep using my self as an example, I guess I should at least say that while I didnt take lots of things into consideration, with some work, over time, anything can be worked out, if you're willing.
     So there are a few things that I find interesting that newly formed inter-racial couples should consider that they may have never considered before. Like, most likely, there will be a pretty good differing taste for foods. Language itself covers several categories. Even if both partners speak the same language fluently, just being raised in different countries means, that you may not get each others jokes, or understand specific metaphors, or know specific slang terms for common nouns. Same goes for the very manner in which you speak your ideas. Intonation, inflection, and even your word's intention could easily be misinterpreted as something you never even thought of.
     Ideals and values will most likely be different as well. Something thats not so important to one partner, may in fact be very important to the other. While that may not seem like an issue at first, I think it's only human nature for everyone to, at some point in their lives, fall back on the belief system and ways they were taught as youngsters.

     So these were just some thoughts that went threw my head today. From my own experiences, I have encountered some of the things mentioned above, while others just came to mind. I also realized that some of the things I mentioned aren't upheld solely for cross cultural couples, lol, but for men vs. women sometimes too! So being able to deal with differences in each other is all dependent on how open minded you are, and how close you are to each other. How well can you compromise. Good thing for me, I've always liked different cultures and was fortunate enough to have found the greatest girl ever! ;-)

DATE: February 12, 2007 08:01:56 AM     NAME: KM
COMMENT: Aw, Danny! And you're my greatest boy, ever! Makes me laugh reading some parts of it cuz of what came to my mind =) Having this entity, us, is making each of us grow, aren't we? Happy 11th monthiversary, Partner! I lovvvve you!

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Long Day
February 07, 2007 08:43:40 PM
     Been pulling some extra hours at work, finally get to go home!

     Man, Do I have a headache!

DATE: February 08, 2007 07:05:15 PM     NAME: KM
COMMENT: You poor thing! =/

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Ass Slammed   
February 07, 2007 08:35:46 PM

January 29, 2007 02:13:44 PM
     Primary Question: Would it be offensive to a Swiss if one were to begin speaking to him in German?

     This question sparks from my lunch break today. I went to Sub-station for a hogie and on my way out, I saw one of my professors from 2 or 3 semesters ago. It was my multi-variable professor, Martin Klaus. Now I wanted to say something to him, but it would be pretty much pointless to do so in English seeing as how I'm damn near positive that he doesnt remember me anyways. So I wanted to say, good afternoon and ask him how his sub was, in german. The only thing is.... He is swiss not german. BUT..... 90% of switzerland speaks german, infact, swiss is a derivation of german. And hes an educated man, I'm sure he would speak german, only thing is, I don't speak swiss.
     So how are german and swiss relations? See i dont know, which is why i didnt say anything to him. For all i know, mistaking a swiss for a german could be down right insulting :-/

DATE: January 29, 2007 04:22:29 PM     NAME: Andrew
COMMENT: If he puts up with Americans, I'm sure he doesn't mind Germans.

DATE: January 30, 2007 03:44:30 PM     NAME: KM
COMMENT: LOL..you could have done it anyway and ask him that question after greeting him. Give him your real name if he doesn't mind it and you would have gained a prof acquaintence. If he fumes, hehe..then give him a fake name =P He wouldn't know anyways!

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Long Xmas Break
January 15, 2007 03:37:37 PM
     So I guess the site was down for over a month. Lots has happened since then! Where to start...

     Hmm ok, so at the very start of break, I almost died. I had a bacterial infection in my lower intestines. Campylobacter I believe was the name of the infestation. I was hospitalized for 4 days until the bug was killed. Man it was awefull, my insides were so infected that I was pooping out parts of my intestines, lots of blood! EWWW GROSS huh? Yeah I finally caved in and had Rob take me to the hospital after my last final exam and when I couldnt keep down water any more. I'm all better now though :-)
     So I worked a little bit at the comic book store while home. Did all the family stuff over christmas, hung out with friends regularly, went to LBC every wednesday with don and Andrew.
     The entire break didnt really get good untill the last week of it. Thats when Khine came up from c-ville. She was here all week! We did all kinds of stuff. Saw the movie, Night At the Museum, went bowling, looked at stars at Sam Lewis Park, gave Khine a driving lesson in East Prospect, changed my cars oil together, visited the River and Shanks Mare down at Long Level, went to mom's to babysit for 3 hours, drove past a Japanese house, watched Back to the Future, and more! It was fuuuuun :-)
     Oh yeah, on thursday, we went to Philly for Hannah's party. That was a blast! I found decent parking, almost all my friends were there, and everything went smoothly. We played pong, had a 4-man guitar session, and just hung out. The funniest thing that happened that night was probabbly when it occured to me that my circle of friends has no shame! There were basically 2 groups of people there, the Philly crowd, and the old highschool clique. Well the mentallity between the 2 is vastly different and became obvious when this one philly girl took the microphone and said aloud, Everybody listen up, my friends here are going to sing, Build me up Buttercup! lol well not only did they not do it, the others all folded their arms in a desperate attempt to prevent their reception of the mic. lol ok, so seeing this, andrew and I take the mic and sing it nice and loud for them! all while dancing! haha, we didnt care. that was totally sweeet.
     On our last day in york, we packed everything up and headed for VA. It was late friday night, and on the way down, we spontaniously decided to drive past her aunt's house, the place where she is always cooped up on breaks. When we found it, I drove past it very slowly while sticking my tounge out in discust. Khine said it felt very good driving right infront of her aunt...with a boy!
     Anyways, not much sleep that night either because we had to get up early for our Wash DC trip the next day. That was pretty cool too. We went with Khine's roommate Sabai and her bf, Frank. He drove us up to Vienna, there we all took the Metro into the city. We went to a bunch of museums, walked around the capitol building, saw Georgetown university, did some shopping, ate at both a Tai and Vietnamese restaurant, and then finnished out the day at a Korean market. OH and at the market another funny thing happened. While Khine and I were at the front of the store waiting for frank and sabai, I casually kissed khine on the forehead, and this real old indian lady was walking by and looked at us right when i did it, and then as she walked past us she gave this real diry look like PDAs are the work of the devil. So then when we were walking out of the market, that old lady was behind us, so I stopped and kissed khine in a much more obvious fashion just to spite her. hehe Fun times!

     So Im back at tech now. I was getting pretty used to haveing Khine around, I guess I'll just have to readjust yet again. All the computers are running now, so thats why this server is back up. Everything is unpacked and the hospital stuff was taken care of. So I guess I can just relax until class starts on Tuesday.

DATE: January 15, 2007 08:56:48 PM     NAME: KM
COMMENT: That week was just so amazing, Dan! I have never had a more fun time with anyone or anywhere like I had with you for the longest time. Everything we did was just so fun! Thank you! For everything =) Muah!

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One Less Option....Bastards
December 13, 2006 09:58:28 PM
     I haven't heard anything from Lutron since I sent my transcripts off as part of the interviewing process. I mean, it's only been a few weeks, but I was even gonna send them a 'check up' email just in case.
     None of that will be necessary now though. I finally heard back from them today. They sent me a letter in the mail, it was just one piece of paper in an evnelope. Basically it says they don't want me. Apparently they will be 'pursuing discussions with candidates whose backgrounds and interests better align with their needs'.
     That is such bullshit. 'Whose interests better align'? Who has interests in better allignment than mine? What The Fuck? Lutron; a company that specializes in lighting and automated environmental control. Me; a kid who, in his free time, has single handedly imagined, designed, and constructed a room with fully programable lights, windows, doors, and acustics all controllable from a log-in console, an exterier pin pad, a web browser located anywhere in the world, or your god damn voice for fuck sakes! HA, YOUR VOICE, Yeah, my room has voice automation like fucking star trek. And my interests don't align with their needs??? Fuck off Fuck-tron.
     Oh well, I guess I should look at the bright side of this. I kinda didn't want to work there that much anyways cause they are too far north. They are located some where in northern PA, and so another 3 hours would have to be tacked on to my c-ville drives. Also, they are located in no-wheres-town, like nothing to do anywhere. But still, it would have been nice to at least have the offer, you know, as like a buffer, something to fall back on if need be.
     None the less, they did turn me down, so of course you realize what this means I must do. Now I have to actually market my inventions, sell them to all of Lutron's clientel for half the price, throw them so far into bankruptcy that they can't even see the light at the end of the tunnel, walk in with a proverbial flashlight offering them a false hope, turn my back on them and exit laughing like the joker just after defeating batman. If I ever actually decide to market my stuff of course. See, this just goes to show how mixed up these companies are. Your GPA is more important than your actual experiences, comitment, or love for the field. LAME.
     I don't know, maybe I'm just taking this too hard. Or maybe I just dont take rejection well. After all, this was my very first interview process. We will see.
     .....one step closer to Voith.

DATE: October 26, 2011 06:46:51 PM     NAME:
COMMENT: baww how`s that working out for ya buddy?

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No hot water
December 07, 2006 12:21:59 PM
     Every morning in my house is a battle. Not the kind involving a direct confrontation, but one of time. You see, there are 5 bathrooms in my house, each having a shower. Since there are 11 people living in my house, every morning it seems like everyone wants to take a shower at the exact moment I decide to. Now in most dormitories this would not be a problem, but in this house, it most certainly is. There are 2 huge water heaters in our home, BUT, 4 of the showers, including mine, are attached to 1! The shower on the far side of the house, Rob and Brennon's, has its own. So after 2 people decide to take a shower, I'm usually out of hot water.
     I've tried varying my schedule, or taking showers at different times of the day, but it never fails. It doesnt matter when I choose to do it. Almost like clock work, as soon as I grab my towel with the intention of heading over to my bathroom for a nice hot shower, I hear one of the other showers fire up. NO!!! dammit! It's like they are watching me, purposely trying to give me cold water. So frustrating!
     One time while I was waiting for one of the upstairs showers to turn off, time just kept on rolling by. No wonder we dont have enough hot water to go around, some people are taking like 20min showers. Next time I hear one go past 10 min, I swear I'm gonna go right over to the utility closet and close the hot water exit value. hehe, that would be fun for who ever is in the shower >:-)

DATE: December 08, 2006 02:20:45 PM     NAME: Andrew
COMMENT: maybe you could social engineer your way out of this problem too

DATE: December 09, 2006 09:05:59 PM     NAME: KM
COMMENT: Haha...

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Not letting the sickness get me down
December 05, 2006 09:25:48 PM
     Ok this is getting crazy, I dont know how this keeps happening, but i'm sick again. nothing big, just a slightly sore throat and a rediculously runny nose. these sick swings usually only last 3 days or so, but still, this is like the 3rd time this semester, thats just unprecidented! is it the cold, other people? im taking my vitamines and drinking lots of healthy fluids. i dont know, what ever.
     I may have been as sick as a dog today, but I try not to let it bother me. I went to class, to work, finnished my DD project with my partner, then went to play some raquet ball. OH OH, funny story about that, the raquet ball. I got to the gym at about 6pm, and when i went to the table to sign out a raquetball court, it was completely booked, and there were even people behind me waiting for the next to come available. I had walked a really long way, and I wanted to get home not too late, so I had to think quick. I noticed under the Squash collumn there were still blanks. I asked the desk attendant, 'so the squash courts are still available?' His responce was, 'Yeah, but those are for squash only.' Full well knowing what a squash court looks like (exactly the same as a raquetball court only the back wall is moved up about 2.5 feet), I still asked, 'could someone play raquet ball in there?', and his reply to that was basically the same, 'No, squash only'. lol, so emediately I said, 'oh, well, i have equipment for both, i'll just play squash then', he then says, 'OH allrighty then'. I signed the sign in sheet, and i was on my way; playing raquet ball ahead of all those people waiting in line.
     So that wasn't really a big deal, and It didnt take much to get things moving my way, but still, there was a little trickery involved, so does it still count as social engineering?
     Anyways, everything is done now. All my reports are handed in, projects are done, my contribution to the solar array manual written, DD proj valided, and the DD presentation presented. Only thing left for this semester is one final, and thats over a week away! This is grounds for celebration, thats why I'm not letting the sickness get the best of me. As soon as i got home, I sat down with a cold heffeweizen, and watched a movie. I just finnished the Shawshank Redemption, Damn is that a good movie!
     I may be free now, but I can't cut completely loose, I suppose, I still have work :-/

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Long time no see
December 01, 2006 08:05:52 PM
     wow, has it really been over a month since my last blog entry? damn, i really need to get on that sht, seriously though, i've really been slacking, and a looooot of stuff has been hapening. contrary to popular belief, my life isnt that boring. so more to come!

DATE: December 05, 2006 06:40:31 PM     NAME: KM
COMMENT: Yes, you seriously, seriously need to be updating. I've been checking so often and it's so disappointing every time =C

DATE: December 05, 2006 07:27:29 PM     NAME: km
COMMENT: Haha..I just saw our to-do list!! YES!

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Another Step Closer to the Real World
October 26, 2006 11:48:26 PM
     I had my first real interview the other day with a big company. I guess those busines fairs aren't quite as worthless as I had previously said, but still mostly worthless. The fair was about a month ago, but I was called back by Lutron for an on-campus interview. Lutron is a fortune 500 comp that designs, manufactures, and impliments automated and computer controlled lighting and environmental systems in both the home and in comercial skyscrapers.
     So yeah, it went pretty well, the guy interviewing seemed pleased with just about all of my answers. And my goodness, I couldnt believe how many technical quesitons I got. Like just before me, some one I knew interviewed with them, and on his way out, he told me all the questions he was asked, and he only got 3! I got like 10! WTF! Well regardless, I was able to answer all of them, and i was pretty confident with my answers. I even told him about all my home automation projects and stuff and he was quite impressed, he said that sort of dilligence is right up Lutrons alley.
     So even though the interview went so well, i still feel like my gpa will hold me back. thats such bull shit! companies should not determine peoples corporate worth based on a stupid number. It should be about thier desire to learn, their persistance on projects, and most importantly, their passion for the field. So I guess now all i can do is wait. If i get the position, it will start as high as 61K a year and id be relocated to Cooperstown PA. So I guess the pay is good, but it would mean long work hours, id be even farther from my khiney, and worst of all, id only be 1.25 hours from my parents :-/ ....ugh

DATE: October 27, 2006 01:29:29 AM     NAME: Andrew
COMMENT: Hey if that job falls through, I know an awesome filmmaker who would love to make a wacky science show.....think about it..... Dan Dan the Science Man

DATE: October 27, 2006 10:09:55 AM     NAME: DK
COMMENT: I'm not partaking in any 'awesome fimlmaker's' projects until he puts a finnished copy of an amish movie in my hands.

DATE: October 27, 2006 05:39:19 PM     NAME: KM
COMMENT: Passion. That's the very first thing I noticed and love about you, Danny =)

DATE: November 27, 2006 11:19:33 PM     NAME: Andrew
COMMENT: the passion of the krill

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Flea Bombs   
October 17, 2006 02:38:35 AM

The Ides of October
October 15, 2006 02:47:01 PM
     MY MY! Has it really been that long since my last blog entry already? Man! How the time flies! I better get on this shizzel. Well what do i have to say...hmmm. Well I certainly have lots of little things. Well some not so little, but should at least be mentioned here i suppose.

     So I gave my presentation in Power Design just this past wednesday. It was my frist presentation in front of a full class and proffessor in maaany years. I hate presentations! I was so close to getting all they way threw college with out having to do a formal presentation, so very close, doh! I was a nervous wreck up-to. But I guess I knew the stuff pretty well, like I didnt even need note cards, I was able to talk about each slide as they came. When it was all over, i could better see that it really wasnt that bad, infact, it went quite well. And even though it lasted about 32 min, I could tell that the class really liked it. Those animations and jumping around the slide show may have been a little inappropriate, but conformidy sux0rs!
     Oh yeah, so while im on the topic of my power design class, My project 1 proposal was approved. It was just suppose to be a fictitous paper to get us use to the format, but when they were all handed in to the department for review, mine was acutally singled out. So out of no where, I am now in charge of the university engineering project to rehabilitate the Whittamore Solar Array. I took this class because I heard it wasnt a lot of work between projects, and now Im a university project chair and I even have to direct a bunch of students under me, argh more responsibility! Did not see this coming :-/

     Um, last friday was Friday the 13th, ooooo scarry. Hmm nothing happened though, just a killer lan party, ill discuss that in a min. That was also my moms birthday. She lost my present. I gave her presents before i left for school at the end of summer, and said no one can open these untill their b-days get here. Well mom lost the one i gave to her. She eventually found it, apparently she put it with the xmas gifts by accident because, lol, I wrapped everyones bday gifts in xmas paper, hey, i didnt have bday paper, k? it all does the same job, conceils the inards. Oh and holly's bday was the last day of sept, shes 3 now.

     Ok, so this lan party. It was Friday night at Pouzou's place. He was having a gathering and asked me to go, and it was a pretty good time. It turned into a starcraft lan party! My most favorate game of all time! And there was like more than 10 people plugged into the lan, so we were able to play all 8 slots in sc. NOYCE! Also, this one kid got sc to work on his linux machine, and this other kid gave me the most valuable thing ever, a fully updated broodwar expanded star craft that just works! Its a drag and drop install! MAN i wish we had that for my old highschool lan parties, would have saved so much time. I didnt have my camera that night, but i did take some pics on my phone, those will be up soon.

     Lets see here, oh, so even farther back in time, on my last trip to UVA, I was able to partake in yet another completely new dinning experience. Khine and I ate at an Ethiopean restaurant, and it was pretty cool. Despite what most american stereotypes say about ethiopia in general, the food was actually very good, reaaaly spicey, had to keep blowing my nose, but very good none the less.
     The food can be described as beeing almost like the foods at an indian buffet but what sets the ethiopean food apart is that almost everything is ground into a goopy paiste. Ok and the part that makes it the most unique... When Khine and I are up at the buffet table, she asks if I would like to try this rolled up bread like looking thing, I was like Ill just try some of yours, but she kept insisting I take my own, I really wanted to just try her share first, but she put one on my plate anyways. I was like fine, ill take it. Then we get back to the table, and I say, Wheres the silverwhere? She says there are none. My next reaction was, umm, do they use chopstix in ethiopea? nooo that cant be right. Its then that she holds up the rolled up bread stuff, and says, this!
     So in Ethiopia, you eat your food with Injera. Its a porous semi sticky sour bread somewhat resembling a rolled up pancake. You tear off little pieces of it, and use it to glob up the food on your plate. So everything is a finger food! How coo is that!

DATE: October 15, 2006 03:13:04 PM     NAME: KM
COMMENT: So proud of you! A University Project Chair, wow! Man! =D That is something! Way to go, Danny! Your name's gonna be inscribed somewhere after you leave.

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October 01, 2006 10:16:13 PM
     I seriously don't understand this :-/ Im 23 now and I'm still getting acne like a freaken stereotypical highschool nerd. I mean I am doing absolutely everything I should be doing to prevent the stuff. I shower and wash my face with antibacterial soup daily, i drink like 10 gallons of water a day, i eat hardly any sugar, I'm not totally stressed this semester, i mean i even get almost 8 hours of sleep a night, im even taking my vitamines now. So whats the deal!?

DATE: October 02, 2006 06:18:13 PM     NAME: secret
COMMENT: try going to a doctor and getting differin ;-)

DATE: October 04, 2006 04:01:20 PM     NAME: KM
COMMENT: Getting acne shows you're still young *ahem ahem*

DATE: October 05, 2006 11:59:17 PM     NAME: andrew
COMMENT: how come you didn't post a picture of your acne like you did with your mosquito bites?

DATE: October 06, 2006 01:50:15 AM     NAME: DK
COMMENT: HAHA, its because none of those shots featured my face :-)

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We are soooo tiny
September 28, 2006 12:06:27 PM
     You know, after watching all these science shows, Carl Sagen's Cosmos, Steven Hawking's Universe, documentaries on Free Energy, The Eyes of Nye, It becomes quite apparent just how small and insignificant we really are. I mean seriously, its like, what's the point? What difference does it make what decisions we make here and now? Quite litterally, individually, and even as a whole human race, we are nothing more than a single grain of sand on a beach the size of a thousand of our suns, and we've only been around for a blink of an eye on the cosmic calendar. It's no use getting all upset about things beyond our control, or fighting over meanial things like religion or crude oil. Pointless! All pointless! Living up to expectations would ultimately contribute absolutely nothing to the whole of the universe, so dont let it get you down. The way I see it, just accept the fact that we're infintesimal specs, come to copes that our lives really dont matter, and just live life as best you can. Live each day as if it were your last and do what ever feels good (with in the bounds of the law, I mean what fun could you have in a prisson?) Hippies had it right dude! Down with 'THE MAN', organic foods, flip flops what ever the weather, peace, love, and harmony :-)

DATE: September 30, 2006 12:22:42 PM     NAME: Andrew
COMMENT: I salute that with the power of a thousand suns.

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My new best friend
September 18, 2006 01:14:10 AM

I don't have leprosy, it's mosquitoe bites, I swear!

DATE: September 19, 2006 08:44:32 PM     NAME: KM
COMMENT: Awww...poo! =(

DATE: September 20, 2006 12:26:57 PM     NAME: Kev
COMMENT: gosh! thats crazy MANY! i got one from Cascades and it stayed on me for like a week. now its like a scar... damn mosquitos

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